Rules of the American Arbitration Association Sample Clauses

Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Except as provided above, arbitration shall be based, insofar as applicable, upon the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association.
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Rules of the American Arbitration Association. In any such arbitration, full discovery will be allowed in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and any remedy or relief granted by the arbitrator(s) shall not be empowered or authorized to add to, subtract from, delete or in any other way modify the terms of this subcontract. If arbitration is elected by the contractor, then judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. If the contractor elects to proceed by arbitration, the venue of such proceedings shall be Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Contractor shall have the right to elect to proceed to no-binding mediation or binding arbitration, as described in paragraph (b) above, at any time prior to the commencement of a judicial proceedings by the contractor, or in the event a judicial proceeding is instituted by the subcontractor, at any time prior to the last day to answer and/or appear to a summons and/or complaint of the subcontractor.” [6] Rule 10.3(4) of the CPR stats that “[i]f the defendant within the period set out in paragraph (1),
Rules of the American Arbitration Association. If the Parties are unable to agree within ten (10) days, the arbitrator shall be selected by the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court for Baltimore City. The written decision of the arbitrator so appointed shall be conclusive and binding on the Parties and enforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction. The expenses of the arbitration shall be borne by the non-prevailing Party to the arbitration, including, but not limited to, the reasonable cost of experts, evidence, and legal counsel. Whenever the action is required to be taken under this Agreement within a specified period of time and the taking of such action is materially affected by a matter submitted to arbitration, such period shall automatically be extended by the number of days, plus ten (10), that are taken for the determination of that matter by the arbitrator. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties agree to use their best reasonable efforts to minimize the costs and frequency or arbitration hereunder. In addition, both Parties agree to use their best efforts to cause a final decision to be rendered with respect to the matters submitted to arbitration within sixty (60) days after its submission.
Rules of the American Arbitration Association. If the parties are unable to resolve such disagreement or dispute through mediation within ten (10) days after the first written notice of an election to mediate, or if the disagreement concerns the buyout price under Section 28.3, then such disagreement or dispute (excluding an action by Landlord in unlawful detainer, as provided above) shall be submitted to binding arbitration under the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the resolution of any controversy or claim requires the participation of a third party who is not required and who declines to participate in an arbitration proceeding, the parties shall not be required to proceed with an arbitration of such controversy or claim. The arbitrators shall be appointed under the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. As soon as the panel has been convened, a hearing date shall be set within twenty-one (21) days thereafter. Written submittals shall be presented and exchanged by both parties ten (10) days before the hearing date, including reports prepared by experts upon whom either party intends to rely. At such time the parties will also exchange copies of all documentary evidence upon which they will rely at the arbitration hearing and a list of the witnesses whom they intend to call to testify at the hearing. Each party shall also make its respective experts available for deposition by the other party prior to the hearing date. The hearings shall be concluded no later than five (5) days after the initial hearing date. The arbitrators shall make their award within ten (10) business days after the conclusion of the hearing. In the event of a three-member panel, the decision in which two (2) of the members of the arbitration panel concur shall be the award of the arbitrators. Except as otherwise specified herein, there shall be no discovery or dispositive motion practice (such as motions for summary judgment or to dismiss or the like) except as may be permitted by the arbitrators, who shall authorize only such discovery as is shown to be absolutely necessary to insure a fair hearing and no such discovery or motions permitted by the arbitrators shall in any way conflict with the time limits contained herein. Nothing herein shall be deemed to permit discovery in such arbitration proceeding except as provided above. The arbitrators shall not be bound by the rules of evidence or civil procedure, but rather may cons...
Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Any decision or award as a result of any such arbitration proceeding shall include the assessment of costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees and shall include a written record of the proceedings and a written determination of the arbitrators. Absent an agreement to the contrary, any such arbitration shall be conducted by an attorney experienced in intellectual property law. The Parties reserve the right to object to any individual who shall be employed by or affiliated with a competing organization or entity. In the event of any such dispute or difference, either Party may give to the other notice requiring that the matter be settled by arbitration. An award of arbitration shall be final and binding on the Parties and may be confirmed in a court of competent jurisdiction including Idaho and Nevada.

Related to Rules of the American Arbitration Association

  • Mediation/Arbitration Employee agrees that prior to filing any motion or claim against the Company or any of its employees, Employee will offer to engage in informal mediation. Each party shall bear its own costs of mediation and one-half of the cost of the mediator. Additionally, any claim by either party arising out of or related to this Agreement, or its breach, or related in any way to Employee's employment or its termination (except claims of employment discrimination under local, state or federal laws, and requests for equitable relief under Section 9 above), shall be settled by arbitration using a single arbitrator and administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Employment Dispute Resolution Rules. Any arbitration shall take place in Seattle, Washington, and the parties waive the right to a trial de novo or appeal, excepting only for the purpose of enforcing the arbitrator's decision, for which purpose the parties agree that the Superior Court for King County, Washington shall have jurisdiction. The nature, proceedings and results of the mediation or arbitration shall be kept confidential and kept from public disclosure to the extent possible.

  • Jurisdiction; Arbitration The laws of the State of Louisiana shall govern the interpretation, validity and effect of this Agreement without regard to the place of execution or the place for performance thereof. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration located in Houston, Texas administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its applicable arbitration rules, and the judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof, which judgment shall be binding upon the parties hereto.

  • Expedited Arbitration (a) The Parties may by mutual agreement refer to expedited arbitration any outstanding grievances considered suitable for this process, and shall set dates and locations for hearings of groups of grievances considered suitable for expedited arbitration.

  • Arbitration Rules (a) The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with this Employment Agreement, using as appropriate the AAA Employment Dispute Resolution Rules in effect on the date hereof. The arbitrator shall not be bound by the rules of evidence or of civil procedure, but rather may consider such writings and oral presentations as reasonable business people would use in the conduct of their day-to-day affairs, and may require both Parties to submit some or all of their respective cases by written declaration or such other manner of presentation as the arbitrator may determine to be appropriate. The Parties agree to limit live testimony and cross-examination to the extent necessary to ensure a fair hearing on material issues.

  • Dispute Resolution; Arbitration This Agreement evidences a transaction involving interstate commerce. Any disputes arising from this Agreement shall be decided by binding arbitration which shall be conducted, at the request of any party, in New York, New York, before one arbitrator designated by the American Arbitration Association (the "AAA"), in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the AAA, and to the maximum extent applicable, the United States Arbitration Act (Title 9 of the United States Code). Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, any party may proceed to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain equitable relief at any time. An arbitrator shall have no authority to award punitive damages or other damages not measured by the prevailing party's actual damages. To the maximum extent practicable, an arbitration proceeding under this Agreement shall be concluded within 180 days of the filing of the dispute with the AAA. This arbitration clause shall survive any termination, amendment, or expiration of the Agreement and if any provision of this arbitration clause is found to be unenforceable, the remaining parts of the arbitration clause shall not be affected and shall remain fully enforceable.

  • Applicable Law; Arbitration This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, applied and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, with regard to its “choice of law” rules. Any “Dispute” (as such term is defined in the Management Agreements) under this Agreement shall be resolved through final and binding arbitration conducted in accordance with the procedures and with the effect of, arbitration as provided for in the Management Agreements.

  • Mediation and Arbitration Any controversy, dispute or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance, enforcement, breach, termination or validity thereof, including the determination of the scope of this Agreement to arbitrate, shall first be submitted to non-binding mediation and shall thereafter be determined by final binding arbitration, and not litigation, the agreed venue for mediation and arbitration being in Houston, Texas. The mediation process shall be administered by a mutually acceptable mediator selected in accordance with the Commercial Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”). If any dispute remains unresolved between the parties after the mediation process has been completed, either party may then submit any such unresolved dispute to final and binding arbitration pursuant to the Commercial Arbitration rules of AAA, with all matters related to the enforceability of this arbitration agreement and any award rendered pursuant to this agreement to be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Section 1-16. The Arbitration Tribunal shall be formed of three (3) arbitrators each of which shall have at least five (5) years’ experience in hotel operation, management, ownership or leasing, one (1) to be appointed by each party and the third (3rd) to be appointed by the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration panel may require and facilitate such discovery as it shall determine is appropriate in the circumstances, taking into account the needs of the parties and the desirability of making discovery expeditious and cost-effective. The arbitration panel shall be empowered to subpoena non-party and party witnesses for deposition and hearing to the full extent provided under the AAA Rules and the Federal Arbitration Act (or the applicable state arbitration statute if the arbitration panel is appointed pursuant to a petition filed in state court). The arbitration panel may also direct the production of documents and other information and the advance identification of witnesses to be called and documents to be admitted. The arbitration panel may issue orders to protect the confidentiality of proprietary information, trade secrets and other sensitive information before it is required to be disclosed in discovery. In addition to monetary damages, or in lieu thereof, the arbitration panel shall have the power to grant all equitable relief (both by way of interim relief and as a part of its final award) as may be granted by any court in the state where the Hotel is located. Monetary damage liability shall be limited to actual damages; the parties hereby waive the right to claim and/or receive punitive damages or exemplary relief. The arbitration panel shall determine whether and to what extent any party is a prevailing party and shall award attorneys’ fees and expenses associated with the arbitration proceeding to the “prevailing party, if any. All proceedings shall be reported by a certified shorthand court reporter and written transcripts of the proceedings shall be prepared and made available to the parties. The fees of the arbitration panel, together with all costs and expenses incurred in conducting the arbitration (but excluding the parties’ respective attorney, witness and related costs and expenses) shall be borne by the party against whom the arbitral award is made and shall be a (the) component of the arbitral award. The arbitration shall take place in Orlando, Florida, and shall be conducted in the English language. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto and subject to no appeal. Arbitration expenses shall not be an expense in determining House Profit. Judgment upon the award rendered maybe entered into any court having jurisdiction, or applications may be made to such court for an order of enforcement.

  • Governing Law; Arbitration This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without giving effect to the conflicts of law principles thereof. Any dispute, controversy or claim (each, a “Dispute”) arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the interpretation, breach, termination, validity or invalidity thereof, shall be referred to arbitration upon the demand of either party to the dispute with notice (the “Arbitration Notice”) to the other. The Dispute shall be settled by arbitration in Hong Kong by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (the “HKIAC”) in accordance with the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Administered Arbitration Rules (the “HKIAC Rules”) in force at the time when the Arbitration Notice is submitted. The seat of arbitration shall be Hong Kong. There shall be three (3) arbitrators. The complainant and the respondent to such dispute shall each select one arbitrator within thirty (30) days after giving or receiving the demand for arbitration (the “Selection Period”). Such arbitrators shall be freely selected, and the parties shall not be limited in their selection to any prescribed list. The chairman of the HKIAC shall select the third arbitrator. If either party to the arbitration fails to appoint an arbitrator with the Selection Period, the relevant appointment shall be made by the chairman of the HKIAC. The arbitral proceedings shall be conducted in English. To the extent that the HKIAC Rules are in conflict with the provisions of this Section 5.2, including the provisions concerning the appointment of the arbitrators, this Section 5.2 shall prevail. The award of the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding upon the parties thereto, and the prevailing party may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for enforcement of such award. In the event of the arbitration of any Dispute pursuant to this Section, the losing party in such arbitration shall pay to the prevailing party all expenses and fees (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred in connection with the arbitration of such Dispute, and the arbitration order, ruling or award shall contain a specific provision providing for such payment.

  • Disputes and Arbitration 22. Any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this contract shall be disposed of by good faith negotiation between duly authorized representatives of the County, the Office of the State Auditor, and the Firm. Such a resolution shall be reduced to writing and a copy thereof mailed or furnished to the Firm and shall be final and conclusive. If a resolution cannot be reached, the Firm shall mail or furnish to the Board of Supervisors of the County and the Office of the State Auditor a written request for review. The Firm shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in support of his/her/its position on the issue in dispute and under review. The review will be handled under a three (3) person panel for arbitration composed of the Deputy State Auditor, the Director of Technical Assistance and the Director of the Financial and Compliance Audit Division. The decision of the Arbitration Panel of the Office of the State Auditor on the review shall be final and conclusive unless determined by a court of competent jurisdiction in Xxxxx County, State of Mississippi, to have been fraudulent, capricious, or so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad faith, or not be supported by substantial evidence. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Firm shall proceed diligently with the performance of the duties and obligations of the contract.

  • Arbitration Disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement that are not resolved pursuant to Section 5.1, including requests for specific performance, will be resolved through binding arbitration conducted pursuant to the rules of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. The arbitration will be conducted in the English language and will occur in Los Angeles County, California. Any arbitration will be in front of a single arbitrator, unless (i) ICANN is seeking punitive or exemplary damages, or operational sanctions, (ii) the parties agree in writing to a greater number of arbitrators, or (iii) the dispute arises under Section 7.6 or 7.7. In the case of clauses (i), (ii) or (iii) in the preceding sentence, the arbitration will be in front of three arbitrators with each party selecting one arbitrator and the two selected arbitrators selecting the third arbitrator. In order to expedite the arbitration and limit its cost, the arbitrator(s) shall establish page limits for the parties’ filings in conjunction with the arbitration, and should the arbitrator(s) determine that a hearing is necessary, the hearing shall be limited to one (1) calendar day, provided that in any arbitration in which ICANN is seeking punitive or exemplary damages, or operational sanctions, the hearing may be extended for one (1) additional calendar day if agreed upon by the parties or ordered by the arbitrator(s) based on the arbitrator(s) independent determination or the reasonable request of one of the parties thereto. The prevailing party in the arbitration will have the right to recover its costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, which the arbitrator(s) shall include in the awards. In the event the arbitrators determine that Registry Operator has been repeatedly and willfully in fundamental and material breach of its obligations set forth in Article 2, Article 6 or Section 5.4 of this Agreement, ICANN may request the arbitrators award punitive or exemplary damages, or operational sanctions (including without limitation an order temporarily restricting Registry Operator’s right to sell new registrations). Each party shall treat information received from the other party pursuant to the arbitration that is appropriately marked as confidential (as required by Section 7.15) as Confidential Information of such other party in accordance with Section 7.15. In any litigation involving ICANN concerning this Agreement, jurisdiction and exclusive venue for such litigation will be in a court located in Los Angeles County, California; however, the parties will also have the right to enforce a judgment of such a court in any court of competent jurisdiction.

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