Discovery Material definition

Discovery Material means all items or information, including from any non-party, regardless of the medium or manner generated, stored, or maintained (including, among other things, testimony, transcripts, or tangible things) that are produced, disclosed, or generated in connection with discovery or Rule 26(a) disclosures in this case.
Discovery Material means all information, regardless of the
Discovery Material means any information provided by a Party or Non-Party in the course of discovery in this Action, including, but not limited to, information contained in documents, testimony taken at depositions and transcripts thereof, deposition exhibits, interrogatory responses, responses to requests for admission, and any other information or material produced, given or exchanged in this Action, regardless of the medium or manner generated, stored or maintained.

Examples of Discovery Material in a sentence

  • This Protective Order applies to all confidential Discovery Material produced or obtained in this case.

  • A Producing Party shall affix a “CONFIDENTIAL” designation to any confidential Discovery Material produced in this Action.

  • Confidential Discovery Material shall be used by the Receiving Party only to prepare for and conduct proceedings herein and not for any business or other purpose whatsoever.

  • A party seeking to file Discovery Material under restricted access must comply with the court’s rules and electronic docketing procedures for filing such motions.

  • Any party may move the court for an order that Discovery Material designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” be reviewed in camera or under other conditions to prevent unnecessary disclosure.

More Definitions of Discovery Material

Discovery Material means documents, testimony, interrogatory answers or other information disclosed in this Action.
Discovery Material means all items or information, regardless of the medium or manner in which it is generated, stored, or maintained (including, among other things, testimony, transcripts, answers to interrogatories, documents, responses to requests for admissions, tangible things, and informal exchanges of information), that are produced or generated in connection with any discovery in the Related Actions, whether formally or informally and whether produced by Parties or Non-Parties.
Discovery Material means all items or information, including from any non- party, regardless of the medium or manner generated, stored, or maintained (including, among other things, testimony, transcripts, or tangible things) that are produced, disclosed, or generated in connection with discovery in this Action pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a court order, or any other agreement or stipulation by or among the Parties.
Discovery Material means information of any kind produced or disclosed in the course of discovery in this action.
Discovery Material means all information, tangible items, electronic material and documents produced by any Party or non-party in response to discovery in the arbitration proceeding, _______________________, AAA Case No. ________________ (the “Arbitration”). For purposes of this Agreement, “Discovery Material” shall also include any affidavit, motion, memorandum, pleading, image, or other material presented to the arbitration panel that discloses Discovery Material designated “Confidential” and retaining its confidential designation. This Agreement shall govern the handling of all such Discovery Material.
Discovery Material means all items or information, including from any non-party,
Discovery Material means all Documents or other information produced or disclosed in this Action by a Party or Third Party, whether produced in response to a discovery demand under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, voluntarily, or in response to a Civil Investigative Demand issued by the United States in its precomplaint investigation in this Action.