Disposition report definition
Examples of Disposition report in a sentence
After the rework procedure has been completed, the total weight of the accepted prod- uct and the total weight of the rejected product shall be reported by the im- porter to Customs and USDA on an Im- ported Pistachios—Re ork and Failed Lot Disposition report (Form FV–251) as de- scribed in paragraph (h)(2) of this sec- tion.
After the rework procedure has been completed the total weight of the accepted product and the total weight of the rejected product shall be reported to Customs and USDA on an Imported Pistachios— Rework and Failed Lot Disposition report (Form FV–251).
Once the project period has ended you are required to submit a Final Program Progress report, the SF-425 Final Federal Financial report, the Payment Management System FFR – Cash Transaction Report, and the SF-428 Tangible Personal Property report and/or Disposition report within 90 calendar days after the expiration of the project and budget period end date.
After the rework procedure has been completed, the total weight of the accepted product and the total weight of the rejected product shall be reported by the importer to Customs and USDA on an Imported Pistachios—Rework and Failed Lot Disposition report (Form FV–251) as described in paragraph (h)(2) of this section.
The Final Program Progress Report and Tangible Personal Property report and/or Disposition report must be submitted via Grant Notes in Grant Solutions and the SF-425 must be submitted via the FFR module in Grant Solutions.