Examples of DNA data bank in a sentence
The State of California Missing Persons DNA Program was established to create a DNA data bank for all cases involving the report of an unidentified person or a “high risk” missing person.
We need, in principle, one additional piece of information, such as a conductivity somewhere, to calibrate the result.
The bill also provides that the Department of Forensic Science may include the identification characteristics of an individual’s DNA profile in the DNA data bank when ordered by a circuit court pursuant to a lawful plea agreement.
The office also produced a DNA data bank with 112 blood samples to be used to identify remains found in clandestine cemeteries.
A profile match gives investigators powerful evidence that the DNA from the crime scene came from the individual with the matching profile.Canada’s initial 1995 forensic DNA legislation did not provide a process to create a DNA data bank containing the profiles of convicted offenders.
Once the DNA analysis produces identification characteristics of the person from whom the sample was taken, that information will be stored in a DNA data bank maintained by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
Silica and carbonate were stripped out of the high strain zones resulting in an increase in graphite, providing an ideal chemical trap to precipitate gold and sulphide minerals out metamorphic remobilization fluids generated by pressure from the lithostatic pile.
The purpose of the proposed action is to develop regulations for obtaining information from the Virginia DNA data bank and procedures for verifying the identity and authority of persons requesting information from the Virginia DNA data bank.
The regulations merely put in writing the procedure that they must follow when making requests for DNA data bank information.
Every young person adjudicated delinquent, or adjudicated not delinquent by reason of insanity, for an offense that would be considered a crime if committed by an adult must provide a blood or other DNA sample before being released from custody.58 If the young person is not held in custody, the court must order a DNA sample as a condition of disposition.59 The sample is analyzed and stored in the State’s DNA data bank.