DSM Software definition

DSM Software means all Software other than Third-Party Software.

Examples of DSM Software in a sentence

  • Once again this would need to be investigated on a larger scale because a scheme of this type which results in smaller amounts of loads shed will need a larger number of willing participants.Appendix A: Users Guide to the Algorithm DSM Software tool V.1 GeneralThis tool should be viewed as any other spreadsheet, in that, it contains formula, which in the unfortunate event are overwritten, will mean the tool will not function as intended.

  • Further, the Working Group and MSLDC informed the changes carried out in the DSM Software to all stakeholders and suggested to them to monitor the operational parameters, various aspects of scheduling processes, analysis of DSM mock trial run bills issued by MSLDC after 17 May 2021 and provide their feedback along with key issues /suggestions etc.

  • The Working Group suggested that the issue needs to be resolved bilaterally by APML and MSEDCL as per the provisions of PPA signed by them and the same shall be mapped accordingly into the DSM Software.

  • Although, DSM Software mock trial run operation started on 22 June 2020, the software came to stable version from the beta version after addressing comments from stakeholders during the integration testing.

  • The five core modules for DSM Software such as State Entity Registration, Scheduling, Web Portal & Meter Data Management, DSM computation, DSM Fees & Charges have been completed, tested and are operating in a stable manner during extended mock trial period.

  • MSEDCL stated that the principles stipulated in the Order dated 6 May 2021 regarding standby power have not been incorporated in DSM Software by MSLDC.

  • Under the guise of increasing “economy and efficiency” and “full and open competition” in federal contracting, as required by the Procurement Act, the Competition in Contracting Act, and other federal laws, the PLA Rule has the opposite effect.

  • The Working Group has been monitoring the progress of the DSM Software development, interacting with Maharashtra State Load Despatch Centre ( MSLDC) and other stakeholders (Buyers and Sellers) for understanding their difficulties or concerns related to implementation of theDSM Regulations as well as guiding the stakeholders and suggesting to Commission to address their difficulties and facilitating preparedness of stakeholders for smooth shift to DSM regime.

  • The compromises, settlements, and releases described herein shall be deemed nonseverable from one another and from all other provisions of the Plan.

  • In response, MSLDC clarified that contract with IT Implementation partner does have a provision for 24x7 call center to support the utilities/State entities which would be made available along with Go Live of the DSM Software.

Related to DSM Software

  • Client Software means software that allows a Device to access or utilize the services or functionality provided by the Server Software.

  • Licensed Software includes error corrections, upgrades, enhancements or new releases, and any deliverables due under a maintenance or service contract (e.g., patches, fixes, PTFs, programs, code or data conversion, or custom programming).

  • Embedded Software means one or more software applications which permanently reside on a computing device.

  • Third Party Software means software which is proprietary to any third party (other than an Affiliate of the Contractor) which is or will be used by the Contractor for the purposes of providing the Services.

  • Company Software means Software owned or purported to be owned by or developed by or for the Company or any Company Subsidiary.

  • Supported Software means the supported software identified in the Proposal. System means the designated information technology environment in which the Software is to be used. Term means the term of this Agreement specified in clause 2.

  • Customized Software or “Customization” means any Application Software code modified or amended on behalf of the Customer. Setting of parameters, parameterization or configuration is not a Customization.