Electrical power plant definition
Electrical power plant means, for the purpose
Electrical power plant means, for the purpose of certification, any steam or solar electrical generating facility using any process or fuel, including nuclear materials, except that this term does not include any steam or solar electrical generating facility of less than 75 megawatts in capacity unless the applicant for such a facility elects to apply for certification under this act... §403.503, Fla. Stat.
Electrical power plant means, for the purpose of 1051 certification, any steam or solar electrical generating facility 1052 using any process or fuel, including nuclear materials, and 1053 includes associated facilities which directly support the 1054 construction and operation of the electrical power plant and 1055 those associated transmission lines which connect the electrical 1056 power plant to an existing transmission network or rights-of-way 1057 to which the applicant intends to connect, except that this term 1058 does not include any steam or solar electrical generating 1059 facility of less than 75 megawatts in capacity unless the 1060 applicant for such a facility elects to apply for certification 1061 under this act. This term includes associated facilities to be 1062 owned by the applicant which are physically connected to the 1063 electrical power plant site or which are directly connected to 1064 the electrical power plant site by other proposed associated 1065 facilities to be owned by the applicant, and associated 1066 transmission lines to be owned by the applicant which connect 1067 the electrical power plant to an existing transmission network 1068 or rights-of-way of which the applicant intends to connect. An 1069 associated transmission line may include, At the applicant's 1070 option, this term may include, any offsite associated facilities 1071 which will not be owned by the applicant; offsite associated 1072 facilities which are owned by the applicant but which are not 1073 directly connected to the electrical power plant site; any 1074 proposed terminal or intermediate substations or substation 1075 expansions connected to the associated transmission line; or new 1076 transmission lines, upgrades, or improvements of an existing 1077 transmission line on any portion of the applicant's electrical
More Definitions of Electrical power plant
Electrical power plant means, for the purpose of certification, any steam or solar
Electrical power plant means, for the purpose of certification, any steam or solar electrical generating facility using any process or fuel, including nuclear materials, and includes associated facilities which directly support the construction and operation of the electrical power plant and those associated transmission lines which connect the electrical power plant to an existing transmission network or rights-of- way to which the applicant intends to connect, except that this term does not include any steam or solar electrical generating facility of less than 75 megawatts in capacity unless the applicant for such a facility elects to apply for certification under this act or proposes to site the facility within any area comprising at least 20 square miles with an average population density of at least 3,000 persons per square mile. An associated transmission line may include, at the applicant’s option, any proposed terminal or intermediate substations or substation expansions connected to the associated transmission line.
Electrical power plant means, for purposes of this part of this chapter, any electrical generating facility that uses any process or fuel and that is owned or operated by an electric utility, as defined in s. 403.503(14)(13), and includes any associated facility that directly supports the operation of the electrical power plant.
Electrical power plant means, for purposes of 735 this part of this chapter, any electrical generating facility 736 that uses any process or fuel and that is owned or operated by
Electrical power plant means, for the purpose of
Electrical power plant means any electrical generating facility of twenty(20) megawatts or more using any process or fuel and includes associated facilities except those electrical generating facilities the regulation and certification of which are expressly preempted by Chapter 403, Florida Statutes.
Electrical power plant means, for purposes of 1404 this part of this chapter, any electrical generating facility 1405 that uses any process or fuel and that is owned or operated by 1406 an electric utility, as defined in s. 403.503(14), and includes 1407 any associated facility that directly supports the operation of 1408 the electrical power plant. 1409 (20)(21) “Total maximum daily load” is defined as the sum 1410 of the individual wasteload allocations for point sources and 1411 the load allocations for nonpoint sources and natural 1412 background. Prior to determining individual wasteload 1413 allocations and load allocations, the maximum amount of a 1414 pollutant that a waterbody water body or water segment can 1415 assimilate from all sources without exceeding water quality 1416 standards must first be calculated. 1417 Section 16. Paragraphs (a) and (e) of subsection (7) of 1418 section 403.067, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1419 403.067 Establishment and implementation of total maximum 1420 daily loads.— 1421 (7) DEVELOPMENT OF BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND 1422 IMPLEMENTATION OF TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOADS.— 1423 (a) Basin management action plans.— 1424 1. In developing and implementing the total maximum daily 1425 load for a waterbody water body, the department, or the 1426 department in conjunction with a water management district, may 1427 develop a basin management action plan that addresses some or 1428 all of the watersheds and basins tributary to the waterbody 1429 water body. Such plan must integrate the appropriate management 1430 strategies available to the state through existing water quality 1431 protection programs to achieve the total maximum daily loads and