Eligible Material definition

Eligible Material means a material containing
Eligible Material means material under section 3.5;
Eligible Material means Renewable Biomass except for: (1) whole grain derived from a crop of barley, corn, grain sorghum, oats, rice, and wheat, and oilseeds such as canola, crambe, flaxseed, mustard seed, rapeseed, safflower seed, soybeans, sesame seed, and sunflower seeds; peanuts, pulse crops such as small chickpeas, lentils, and dry peas; and dairy products, sugar, and wool; and cotton xxxx fiber; (2) animal waste and byproducts including fats, oils, greases, and manure; (3) food waste and yard waste; or (4)

Examples of Eligible Material in a sentence

  • Hauler agrees that submission of such a Report with respect to Non- Eligible Material shall constitute a False Statement.

  • AE601) Please provide a detail/thickness/material and approximate square footage for all floor patching as required per note 4 on AE601 as this is required to properly estimate the project.

  • Maurer [26] describes ‘monetary ecologies’ based on Tankha’s formulation as ‘the assemblages of technologies, objects, animals, people, relationships, forms of property, and methods of record-keeping that, together, make up the world of value and exchange in people’s everyday lives’ [45].

  • In these cases, a CoC Certified mine can make Eligible Material Declarations for 100% of Mined Material it produces.

  • The Obligations are secured by a Guaranty in the form of Exhibit C (the “Guaranty”), duly executed by FIL and all Eligible Material Subsidiaries and other Subsidiaries of FIL that have executed the Guaranty or otherwise elected to become a party thereto, with such changes thereto as may be appropriate based on the law of the applicable jurisdictions.

  • After the facilitator presented a graphic depicting the customer intake process for feedback the CIO gave his response:The thing is you have to educate them right up front: We're talking a half million dollars to get started here.

  • The table below sets out the information required in a CoC Transfer Document to make an Eligible Material Declaration for Mined Material.

  • Implementation – Recycled Material (7.1b) The table below sets out the information required in a CoC Transfer Document to make an Eligible Material Declaration for Recycled Material.

  • Once Material is declared as Eligible Material, it can it be processed and transferred as CoC Material.

  • Background The CoC Standard supports the “Bulk Commodity” Chain‐of‐Custody model, which prevents the mixing of Eligible Material with non‐eligible Material but does not require tracing to origin.

More Definitions of Eligible Material

Eligible Material means, as determined by CCC, Renewable Biomass delivered as such rather than as a part of some other commodity except for: (1) whole grain derived from a crop of barley, corn, grain sorghum, oats, rice, and wheat, and oilseeds such as canola, crambe, flaxseed, mustard seed, rapeseed, safflower seed, soybeans, sesame seed, and sunflower seeds; peanuts, pulse crops such as small chickpeas, lentils, and dry peas; and dairy products, sugar, and wool; and cotton boll fiber; (2) animal waste and byproducts including fats, oils, greases, and manure; (3) food waste and yard waste; or (4) algae. The eligible materials for a matching payment are described in the list of eligible materials posted at: www.fsa.usda.gov and the applicable local and state FSA office. The facility is responsible for identifying what is or is not eligible material and for insuring that the FSA is, in connection with each invoice, advised of all relevant considerations to determine the eligible of the transaction for a matching payment. Additional material may be periodically added or deleted from consideration as eligible by the CCC but only in writing and only in a writing executed at the national level.
Eligible Material means, as determined by USDA, renewable biomass harvested directly from the land and delivered as such rather than as a part of some other commodity. Eligiblematerial does not include: (1) material that is whole grain from any crop that is eligible to receive payments under title I of the Agricultural Act of 2014 or an amendment made by that title, including barley, corn, grain sorghum, oats, rice, and wheat; honey; mohair; oilseeds including canola, crambe, flaxseed, mustard seed, rapeseed, safflower seed, soybeans, sesame seed, and sunflower seeds; peanuts; pulses; chickpeas, lentils, and dry peas; dairy products; sugar; and wool and cotton boll fiber; (2) animal waste and byproducts including fats, oils, greases, and manure; (3) food waste and yard waste; (4) algae; (5) woody eligible material that is removed outside contract acreage and is not a byproduct of a preventative treatment to reduce hazardous fuel or to reduce or contain disease or insect infestation; (6) any woody eligible material collected or harvested outside contract acreage that would otherwise be used for existing market products; and (7) bagasse. The eligible materials for a matching payment are described at: www.fsa.usda.gov/bcap and the applicable local and state FSA office. The facility is responsible for identifying what is or is not eligible material and for insuring that USDA is, in connection with each invoice, advised of all relevant considerations to determine the eligibility of the transaction for a matching payment. Additional material may be periodically added or deleted from consideration as eligible by USDA.
Eligible Material means discrete radioactive material that meets the criteria for orphan material or SCATR material given under Recitals.
Eligible Material means, as determined by USDA, renewable biomass harvested directly from the land and delivered as such rather than as a part of some other commodity. Eligiblematerial does not include: (1) material that is whole grain from any crop that is eligible to receive payments under title I of the Agricultural Act of 2014 or an amendment made by that title, including barley, corn, grain sorghum, oats, rice, and wheat; honey; mohair; oilseeds including canola, crambe, flaxseed, mustard seed, rapeseed, safflower seed, soybeans, sesame seed, and sunflower seeds; peanuts; pulses; chickpeas, lentils, and dry peas; dairy products; sugar; and wool and cotton boll fiber; (2) animal waste and byproducts including fats, oils, greases, and manure; (3) food waste and yard waste; (4) algae; (5) woody eligible material that is removed outside contract acreage and is not a byproduct of a preventative treatment to reduce hazardous fuel or to reduce or contain disease or insect infestation; (6) any woody eligible material collected or harvested outside contract acreage that would otherwise be used for exis ting market products; and (7) bagasse. Additional material may be periodically added or deleted from consideration as eligible by USDA.

Related to Eligible Material

  • Combustible material means combustible refuse, combustible waste or any other material capable of igniting;

  • Recyclable material means those materials which would

  • Fissile material means the radionuclides uranium-233, uranium-235, plutonium-239, and plutonium-241, or any combination of these radionuclides. "Fissile material" means the fissile nuclides themselves, not material containing fissile nuclides. Unirradiated natural uranium and depleted uranium and natural uranium or depleted uranium, that has been irradiated in thermal reactors only, are not included in this definition. Certain exclusions from fissile material controls are provided in 10 CFR 71.15.

  • Specified Materials means the basic materials required on the Site for the execution and completion of Works, which shall include fuel and lubricants; cement; aggregates; steel reinforcement; timber and gravel.

  • Recyclable Materials means materials that are separated from mixed municipal solid waste for the purpose of recycling or composting, including paper, glass, plastics, metals, automobile oil, batteries, source-separated compostable materials, and sole source food waste streams that are managed through biodegradative processes. Refuse-derived fuel or other material that is destroyed by incineration is not a recyclable material. (Minn. Stat. § 115A.03, Subd. 25a)

  • Eligible student means a student who is eighteen years or older.

  • Eligible Crisis or Emergency means an event that has caused, or is likely to imminently cause, a major adverse economic and/or social impact to the Recipient, associated with a natural or man-made crisis or disaster.

  • Eligible In-Transit Inventory means, as of any date of determination thereof, without duplication of other Eligible Inventory, In-Transit Inventory:

  • Independent candidate means any candidate who claims not to be affiliated with a political party, and whose name has been certified on the office-type ballot at a general or special election through the filing of a statement of candidacy and nominating petition, as prescribed in section 3513.257 of the Revised Code.

  • Harvested Material means the grain or fodder from crops of the Licensed Varieties grown from Seed or Retained Seed.

  • Eligible Product means, instead of the definition in FAR 25.003—

  • MSAA Indicator Technical Specifications document means, as the context requires, either or both of the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Indicator Technical Specifications November 5, 2018 Version 1.3” and the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Target and Corridor-Setting Guidelines” as they may be amended or replaced from time to time;

  • Source material milling means any activity that results in the production of byproduct material as defined by definition (2) of byproduct material.

  • The Material/ Product means all the materials along with the accessories which the contractor is required to supply to the Bank under the Contract.

  • Adapted Material means material subject to Copyright and Similar Rights that is derived from or based upon the Licensed Material and in which the Licensed Material is translated, altered, arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in a manner requiring permission under the Copyright and Similar Rights held by the Licensor. For purposes of this Public License, where the Licensed Material is a musical work, performance, or sound recording, Adapted Material is always produced where the Licensed Material is synched in timed relation with a moving image.

  • eligible client means a client of a person or company if any of the following apply:

  • Reference biological product means the single biological product licensed pursuant to 42 U.S.C.

  • Nonconformity or “Nonconformities” means any failure or failures of the Software to conform to the requirements of this Contract, including any applicable Documentation.

  • Biological Material means any material containing genetic information and capable of reproducing itself or being reproduced in a biological system;

  • hit means the existence of a match or matches established by the Central System by comparison between biometric […] data recorded in the computerised central database and those transmitted by a Member State with regard to a person, without prejudice to the requirement that Member States shall immediately check the results of the comparison pursuant to Article 26(4);

  • Unproven/ Experimental treatment means the treatment including drug experimental therapy which is not based on established medical practice in India.

  • Permitted Additional Materials means information that is not ABS Informational and Computational Materials and (x) that are referred to in Section 4(d)(12)), (y) that constitute Certificate price, yield, weighted average life, subscription or allocation information, or a trade confirmation, or (z) otherwise with respect to which the Depositor has provided written consent to the Underwriter to include in a Free Writing Prospectus. As used herein with respect to any Free Writing Prospectus, “Pool Information” shall mean the information with respect to the characteristics of the Mortgage Loans and administrative and servicing fees, as provided by or on behalf of the Depositor to the Underwriter at the time most recent to the date of such Free Writing Prospectus.

  • Eligible activities or "eligible activity" means 1 or more of the following:

  • Eligible patient means an individual who meets all of the following conditions:

  • Eligible Claimant means a person who:

  • Source material means: (1) uranium or thorium, or any combination thereof, in any physical or chemical form or (2) ores which contain by weight one-twentieth of one percent (0.05 percent) or more of (i) uranium, (ii) thorium or (iii) any combination thereof. Source material does not include special nuclear material.