Examples of Emergency suspension in a sentence
Emergency suspension with pay- immediate suspension with pay due to the nature/severity of the situation, where it is not practicable to follow the normal suspension procedure.
Within 10 days of receipt of the notice of hearing, the department shall file a petition which complies with the provisions of paragraph 7.12(1)“c.” An answer complying with the provisions of paragraphs 7.12(2)“c” and “d” may be filed within 10 days of receipt of the petition.7.19(7) Emergency suspension.
The hearing procedures in 875—Chapter 1 shall govern.d. Emergency suspension.
Emergency suspension with or without pay may be imposed by the Department when it appears that the action is in the best interest of the public and the law enforcement agency.
Emergency suspension should be used sparingly, as it could deprive a licensee of a business or livelihood even before affording the opportunity for due process.F. Examples of Administrative Actions The following paragraphs supply examples of administrative sanctions and processes (subject to legal / regulatory authority).