Endowment funds definition

Endowment funds means gifts, devises, or bequests of property of any kind donated to a higher education institution from any source.
Endowment funds means funds:
Endowment funds means funds in which a donor has stipulated, as a condition of his or her gift, that the principal amount of the fund is to be maintained inviolate and in perpetuity, and that only income from investments of the fund may be expended;

Examples of Endowment funds in a sentence

  • St. Xxxx's Endowment Board has been charged with managing the Endowment funds, including selecting and monitoring investments, determining the amounts disbursed from the fund, and recommending uses for those disbursements.

More Definitions of Endowment funds

Endowment funds means funds that are invested and have been permanently restricted by the donor to be used in perpetuity, with annual distributions to be used as prescribed by the donor.
Endowment funds means funds treated as endowment funds under the coordinating board's accountability system.
Endowment funds means those funds donated to the respective individual state‑supported institutions of higher learning of the State of South Carolina, which are held and invested by the State Treasurer on behalf of the institutions. The endowment of each institution is separate and cannot be commingled, except under those circumstances where it can be invested in liquid assets as approved by the appropriate trustees.
Endowment funds. These consist of assets held by the Foundation within its
Endowment funds. . The word "endow" means "to provide with income or a source
Endowment funds means monetary gifts granted to the Debtor pursuant to gift agreements which, by their terms, provide that the gifts are not wholly expendable by the Debtor and may only be used for the purposes specified in the applicable gift agreement. The Debtor presently holds Endowment Funds of approximately $3 million.
Endowment funds means an endowment capital fund where the donated capital is held in perpetuity by the University and is used to generate annual income for the intended purpose of the endowment. Endowment Funds are generally funded by external donations, and the terms of the endowment are documented in a written gift agreement between the University and the donors. In addition to external donations, Endowment Funds may be funded by other sources, such as internally endowed assets designated by the University’s Board of Governors.