Environmental and Social Requirements definition

Environmental and Social Requirements means (i) any Environmental Law, (ii) any Social Law, (iii) any Environmental and Social Permit, (iv) Basic Terms and Conditions of Employment, (v) Core Labour Standards and (vi) IFC Performance Standards.
Environmental and Social Requirements means the document entitled the environmental and social requirements developed in accordance with the Environmental and Social Policy, reflecting the Contract specific ESHS, and appended to the Requirements.
Environmental and Social Requirements means, collectively:

Examples of Environmental and Social Requirements in a sentence

  • They should not be included in the final documents] Environmental and Social Requirements [The Employer’s team preparing the ES requirements should include a suitably qualified Environmental and Social specialist/s.

  • Deletions or addendums should then adapt the General Specifications to apply them to the particular Works.Any additional sustainable procurement technical requirements (beyond the ES requirements stated in the Environmental and Social Requirements section below) shall be clearly specified.

  • This document is one of a series of topic-specific supporting annexes contained in the overarching document: Environmental and Social Requirements for Contractors: Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS).These annexes define the processes that need to be followed and the control measures that must be applied to ensure the delivery and approval of a topic-specific Contractor Implementation Plan (CIP) and other implementation deliverables ahead of commencing activity.

  • The Client shall, upon the request of the Agent acting reasonably, provide such other information on any measures or monitoring undertaken by the Client or on behalf of the Client in compliance with [Environmental and Social Requirements].

  • Comply and procure that each member of the Group shall: (i) comply with the Environmental and Social Requirements; and (ii) take all reasonable steps in anticipation of known or expected future changes to or obligations under the same.

More Definitions of Environmental and Social Requirements

Environmental and Social Requirements means, collectively, Environmental and Labour Law, the applicable Equator Principles and the IFC Standards.
Environmental and Social Requirements means the stricter of (i) Environmental Law, (ii) Social Law, (iii) Environmental and Social Permits, (iv) Basic Terms and Conditions of Employment, (v) Core Labour Standards, (vi) IFC Performance Standards, including all applicable IFC Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines8, and (vi) any other internal requirements set by the Environmental and Social Management System, including compliance with AFC Exclusion List (Annex1).
Environmental and Social Requirements means, collectively, the provisions of Section 5.01(g) (Environmental Matters) and Section 5.01(i) (E&S Management System) hereof and any other provision of this Agreement or any other Financing Document relating to human health, environment, social issues or health and safety;
Environmental and Social Requirements means Environmental Law, Social Law, World Bank Standards, and any Environmental and Social Permits.
Environmental and Social Requirements means, collectively, Environmental Law, Social Law, the IFC Performance Standards and the project-relevant IFC Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines in force at the time of the agreement.
Environmental and Social Requirements means all Environmental and Social Laws, the Performance Standards and the Project-relevant World Bank Group Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines in force at the time of this Agreement, the Equator Principles, the ESAP, the HSEC Policy, any Corrective Action Plan, any applicable ESMPs, the ESIA, any Environmental Licenses, the ESMS and any international treaty, convention or rule relating to any Environmental and Social Matter to which Mexico is party or signatory.
Environmental and Social Requirements means, collectively, Environmental and Social Law and the applicable environmental and social standards, [including the IFC Performance Standards on