Equipment shelter definition
Examples of Equipment shelter in a sentence
Equipment shelter and cabinets and other on-the-ground ancillary equipment shall be screened by the use of shrubs that achieve sufficient height and fullness upon maturity to screen such facilities.
Such petition shall be in writing, signed by the petitioner, giving the mailing address, the ruling from which the petitioner appeals, and in plain language and in detail the facts and the reasons upon which the petition is based.
Equipment shelter air conditioning units typically emit low noise levels comparable to a home refrigerator of approximately 60-65 decibels (dB) at 20 feet.
This site generally consists of at least one 12x38x10 Equipment shelter with emergency generator, one 330 ft self supporting radio tower with FAA approved lighting system, one liquid propane tank and associated site improvements to facilitate in/egress of the site and equipment installation.
Equipment, shelter facility identification, facility agreements, and updated roles and responsibilities must be defined to effectively respond in a sheltering incident.