Examples of Error Trades in a sentence
Clearing Members must inform the Clearing House of any suspected Error Trades by no later than 12:00pm on Trade Date plus one business day, providing the relevant ATP trade details.
Error Trades Product Transactions effected through the StreamGlobal Platform on behalf of a Participant or Customer by their Authorized Trader, or by their Broker Firm Participant’s Authorized Broker, or by a Tradition SEF Execution Specialist, shall be binding on such Participant or Customer subject to Rule 538 of the Tradition SEF Rulebook.
Securities Exchange Act Release No. 70791 (October 31, 2013), 78 FR 66791 (November 6, 2013) (Order Approving a Proposed Rule Change to Adopt Standards for the Cancellation or Adjustment of Bona Fide Error Trades, the Submission of Error Correction Transactions, and the Cancellation or Adjustment of Stock Leg Trades of Stock-Option or Stock-Future Orders).
If the Error Trades claimed by an Options Trading Exchange Participant are of such magnitude or complexity that any claim in respect of such Error Trades may have to be handled in accordance with Options Trading Rule 540A as a Large-Scale Error Trade, the Exchange may in its absolute discretion determine if the claim should be handled as a Large-Scale Error Trade and if so, the Exchange will entertain such claim in accordance with Options Trading Rule 540A.
The handling charge may exceed any financial benefit of handling the Error Trade / Large-Scale Error Trades.
If so, then please describe in detail why such swap components of these types or categories of package transactions should be exempt from the trade execution requirement.B. Error Trades: Execution of Trades to Correct Operational and Clerical Errors on Swap Execution Facilities1.
The trade has been executed at a price at least two ticks above the determined offer price in the case of a buy error.Determining an Adjustment for Option Error Trades All option error trades will be resolved by price adjustment and may not be resolved by busting the disputed transactions.
As such, the Commission declines to adopt any regulations related to MAT/Futures package transactions in this release.D. Error Trades: Execution of Trades to Correct Operational and Clerical Errors on Swap Execution Facilities – Addition of §37.9(e)1.
Determining an Adjustment for Metals Futures Complex Error Trades Metals futures error trades will be resolved via a price adjustment based on the following prices:Gold: $4 less than the determined reference price in the case of a sell error or $4 greater than the determined reference price in the case of a buy error.Silver: 8¢ less than the determined reference price in the case of a sell error or 8¢ greater than the determined reference price in the case of a buy error.
Determining an Adjustment for Option Error Trades Option error trades may not be resolved through a busting of the disputed transactions.