Examples of Escrowed Proposal Documents in a sentence
The Preferred Proposer shall submit Escrowed Proposal Documents (“EPD”) in accordance with Book 1, Section 22.1.
Each DRB Member agrees to execute and deliver a confidentiality agreement as described in the “Availability for Review” clause (Section 25.1) of the General Provisions with respect to copies of Escrowed Proposal Documents (EPDs) that may be provided to the DRB.
The Proposer shall also deliver the Escrowed Proposal Documents (EPD) per Form H, and as specified in the Escrow Agreement, as specified in the Table 1-1 Project Milestones.
The information provided under this Section shall be placed in the same locked cabinet with the key held by DB Contractor in which the Escrowed Proposal Documents are placed pursuant to Section 5.11.3 of the ITP and Section 21.1 of this DBA and, except as required by law, shall be treated as confidential and proprietary.
The Proposer shall also deliver the Escrowed Proposal Documents (EPD) per Form H, and as specified in the Escrow Agreement, by 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time on the EPDs Due Date, as specified in the Procurement Schedule.
The completed Technical Proposal and Price Proposal shall be delivered at the location identified in Section 2.2.1 in sealed containers no later than the Proposal Due Date as set forth in Section 1.4.The Escrowed Proposal Documents shall be submitted as outlined in Section 4.3.2 in sealed containers no later than the Escrowed Proposal Due Date as set forth in Section 1.4.
The information provided under this Section shall be placed in the same locked cabinet with the key held by Developer in which the Escrowed Proposal Documents are placed pursuant to Section 5.12.4 of the ITP and Section 21.1 of this Agreement and, except as required by law, shall be treated as confidential and proprietary.
The completed Proposal and Escrowed Proposal Documents shall be submitted and delivered in sealed containers no later than the Proposal and Escrowed Proposal Documents Due Dates and times specified in Section 1.4. The Proposal is to be delivered to NHDOT at the address set forth in Section 2.2.1, except for the Escrowed Materials, which shall be delivered to the Escrow Agent as specified in Section 4.3.2:Each binder of the Proposal shall be labeled to indicate its contents.
Except for the Escrowed Proposal Documents (EPD), as defined in Section 5.12, below, all records, documents, drawings, plans, specifications, and other materials relating to the conduct of CDOT business, including materials submitted by Proposers, are subject to the provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act (C.R.S. sections 24-72-101, et seq.) and any other laws and regulations applicable to the disclosure of documents submitted under this RFP.
Except for Escrowed Proposal Documents delivered to IFA pursuant to Section 5.12.1(a), all documents submitted by the Proposer in response to this RFP shall become the property of the Project Sponsors and will not be returned to the Proposer.