ESIA definition

ESIA means environmental and social impact assessment, the evaluation of the potential environmental and social risks and impacts of activities under the Project, to be prepared by the Recipient in accordance with the provisions of Section I D of Schedule 2 to this Agreement and to include an EMP, as the same may be amended from time to time with the prior approval of the Association.
ESIA means the Borrower’s environmental and social impact assessment for the Project provided to the Bank on March 28, 2010, setting forth the matters to be addressed in the ESMP regarding mitigating, monitoring and institutional measures to be taken during the implementation and operation of the Project to offset or reduce adverse environmental impacts to levels acceptable to the Bank.

Examples of ESIA in a sentence

  • If ESIA or SESA is required note that the assessment should consider all potential impacts and risks.

  • These shall be prepared by the respective IA with support of ESIA consultants; disclosed by the IA on its website and other accessible location.

  • Ensure that the development of the full Project Document incorporates the recommendations made in the existing ESIA; and3.

  • The ESIA further carries out impact prediction and evaluation of residual environmental and social issues of a Project.

  • The present draft of the ESIA therefore considers the project configuration as has been outlined in Design Consultant’s Report and impacts for the same has been accordingly assessed.

More Definitions of ESIA

ESIA means the document prepared and adopted by the Recipient containing the analysis of and mitigating measures for potential environmental and social impacts of an individual activity to be implemented under the Project, as and when required by the ESMF (as hereinafter defined).
ESIA means the environmental and social impact assessment of the potential environmental risks and impacts of activities under the Project, satisfactory to the World Bank, to be prepared and disclosed by the Recipient in accordance with the ESMF (as hereinafter defined) for each Road Segment (as hereinafter defined) prior to the start of any works on said Road Segment, in accordance with the provisions of Section I D of Schedule 2 to this Agreement and to include an EMP, as the same may be amended from time to time with the prior written approval of the World Bank.
ESIA means the environmental and social impact assessment, acceptable to the Bank, prepared by the Recipient, dated April 30, 2010, evaluating the environmental and social impact of the Project and setting forth, through the EMP, the mitigating, compensating and monitoring measures for the Project, as the same may be amended from time to time by agreement between the Recipient and the Bank.
ESIA means the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment developed in 2014, as amended in 2016, for Amulsar to conform to the requirements of the 2012 International Finance Company Performance Standards and the 2008 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Performance Requirements and other financial institutions that may be signatories to the Equator Principles;
ESIA and “Environmental and Social Impact Assessment” mean the assessment referred to in Part D of Schedule 4 to this Agreement;
ESIA has the meaning provided in Part B.1(a)(iv)(B) of Annex I. ESMP has the meaning provided in Part B.1(a)(iv)(B) of Annex I. EU has the meaning provided in Part B.1(a)(iv)(A) of Annex I. Evaluation Component has the meaning provided in Section 1 of Annex III. EVD has the meaning provided in Part A.1(a) of Annex I. Fiscal Agent has the meaning provided in Part C.4 of Annex I. GIZ has the meaning provided in Part B.2(d) of Annex I.