Estimator definition
Examples of Estimator in a sentence
The Engineer shall prepare each construction cost estimates using Estimator or any approved method.
Consistent Estimation in Mendelian Randomization with Some Invalid Instruments Using a Weighted Median Estimator.
The State Estimator produces a power flow solution based upon the modeled representation of the electrical network and available Real-Time SCADA telemetry.
The CAISO will maintain a library of system-wide Load Distribution Factors for use in distributing Demand scheduled at the Default LAPs. The system Load Distribution Factors are derived from the State Estimator and are stored in the Load Distribution Factor library, and are updated periodically.
The State Estimator also provides a reference for Real-Time Load Distribution Factors used to distribute the Real-Time CAISO Forecast of CAISO Demand as well as provide a source of historical data for the LDF library.
The Load Distribution Factor are also maintained for use for Demand scheduled at Custom LAPs. These custom Load Distribution Factors are not generated from the State Estimator and are fixed quantities representing the characteristics of the Custom LAP.
For the RTM, the State Estimator solution is used as a source for determining Load Distribution Factors.
You can also use the FDIC’s Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (XXXX) at
If the State Estimator is not capable of providing CAISO with a solution to clear the CAISO Markets, the CAISO shall use the last best State Estimator solution for determining Dispatch Instructions, provided the State Estimator is not unavailable for an extended period.
If the State Estimator is not available for an extended period of time, the CAISO shall use the Load Distribution Factors from the Load Distribution Factors library as applicable to the prevailing system and time of use conditions to determine Dispatch Instructions.