Examples of EU Procurement Regime in a sentence
If no specific plans are produced, the money will revert to being non-designated.
Where the procurement has been carried out in accordance with the EU Procurement Regime the procedure for notification of the award shall comply with that regime.
Where the estimated value of the proposed contract is above the relevant EU financial threshold, officers must ensure that the requirements of the EU Procurement Regime have been met by the Lead Authority.
Subject to compliance with the EU Procurement Regime, following evaluation under the criteria in Standing Order 94 and in order to ensure that the Authority achieves best value for money, in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and the Head of Procurement, the head of department may explore with the preferred tenderer any options for achieving price savings which will maximise the potential benefits to the Authority.
The process, as laid-out within the Contract, was not followed precisely ‘to the letter’ as it required adherence to some of the principles of the EU Procurement Regime (as if the Contractor were a public body).
In a subsequent judgement theCourt of Appeal also clarified the extent to which a shared service could be operated via a JSG without contravening the requirements of the EU Procurement Regime.
For discussion of the WTO law implications of such approach, see M A Corvaglia, ‘ RegioPost and Labour Rights Conditionality: Comparing the EU Procurement Regime with the WTO Government Procurement Agreement’, in Sanchez‐Graells (n 15) 245‐264.of the documentation provided by tenderers, thus relinquishing the outsourcing of that duty to the third‐party certification entity (or having to hire those services on an ad hoc basis, where possible).4.
This will need to be commenced towards the end of 2015, noting that by this date there is likely to be formal legislation in place to include “Concession” type arrangements within the new EU Procurement Regime.
The change to the EU Procurement Regime introduces a number of important elements.
For the duration of this Agreement Hartlepool Borough Council as the Lead Authority shall act diligently and in good faith in all its dealings with the Assuring Authorities and shall use their reasonable endeavours to carry out the Key Procurement Functions in accordance with the EU Procurement Regime and any other applicable legislation.