Adjudicatory proceeding definition

Adjudicatory proceeding means a contested case, a proceeding that may culminate in a contested case, a petition for declaratory order, a petition for expedited resolution of a negotiability dispute, or any other proceeding which may require the board or its designee to issue a decision, order, or ruling.
Adjudicatory proceeding means a proceeding conducted pursuant to these rules and leading to the formula- tion of a final order other than a regu- lation.
Adjudicatory proceeding means an action of a quasi-judicial nature brought before the Board under authority granted to the Board by Section 5(d) of the Act or as otherwise provided by law. Adjudicatory proceedings include enforcement, variance, permit appeal, pollution control facility siting appeal, Underground Storage Tank (UST) Fund determination, water well set back exception, adjusted standard, and administrative citation proceedings. Adjudicatory proceedings do not include regulatory, quasi-legislative, informational, or time-limited water quality standard proceedings.

Examples of Adjudicatory proceeding in a sentence

  • F o r p ur poses of t h ese ru les:( a) Adjudicatory proceeding m e an s a j u dici a l- t y pe p r oceedi n g le a di n g t o t h e fo r m u l a t io n of a fi na l o r de r ;( b) Administrative law judge m e an s an a d m i n is t ra t ive l a w j u dge a ppoi n t ed p ur s uan t t o t h e p r ovisio n s of 5 U.

  • All such hearings shall be conducted as an Adjudicatory proceeding, with an opportunity given the affected party to be represented by counsel, present testimony, exhibits, and other evidence which the effected party feels will support the party’s position.

  • Other terms are defined as follows: Adjudicatory proceeding - An administrative proceeding before the Department of Education in which the legal rights, duties, or privileges of specifically named persons are required by constitutional right, by provision of law or by rule to be determined.

  • Adjudicatory Hearing: The term Adjudicatory proceeding shall also be takento mean a fair hearing and the terms shall be used interchangeably.

  • F o r p ur poses of t h ese ru les:( a) Adjudicatory proceeding m e a n s a j u dici a l- t y pe p r oceedi n g le a di n g t o t h e fo r m u l a t io n of a fi n a l o r de r ;( b) Administrative law judge m e a n s a n a d m i n i s t r a t ive l a w j u dge a ppoi n t ed p ur s u a n t t o t h e p r ovisio n s of 5 U.

More Definitions of Adjudicatory proceeding

Adjudicatory proceeding means an action of a quasi-judicial nature brought before the Board pursuant to authority granted to the Board under Section 5(d) of the Act or as otherwise provided by law. Adjudicatory proceedings include enforcement, variance, permit appeal, pollution control facility siting appeal, Underground Storage Tank (UST) Fund determination, water well set back exception, adjusted standard, and administrative citation proceedings.
Adjudicatory proceeding means a judicial-type proceeding leading to the formulation of a final order.
Adjudicatory proceeding means any administrative action allowed by statute, regulation, or permit specifically brought before the Commission to resolve a dispute.
Adjudicatory proceeding means a proceeding before an agency in which the legal rights, duties or privileges of specifically named persons are required by constitutional right or by any provision of the General Laws to be determined after opportunity for an agency hearing. Without enlarging the scope of this definition, adjudicatory proceeding does not include (a) proceedings solely to determine whether the agency shall institute or recommend institution of proceedings in a court; or (b) proceedings for the arbitration of labor disputes voluntarily submitted by the parties to such disputes; or (c) proceedings for the disposition of grievances of employees of the commonwealth; or (d) proceedings to classify or reclassify, or to allocate or reallocate, appointive offices and positions in the government of the commonwealth; or (e) proceedings to determine the equalized valuations of the several cities and towns; or (f) proceedings for the determination of wages under section twenty-six T of chapter one hundred and twenty-one.
Adjudicatory proceeding means an adjudicatory proceeding before the Commission in which the legal rights, duties or privileges of specifically named persons are determined after an opportunity for a hearing.
Adjudicatory proceeding or ‘proceeding’ means a proceeding conducted pursuant to ECL section 70-0119 and article 3 of the State Administrative Procedure Act and this Part. The adjudicatory proceeding is presided over by an administrative law judge and may include public comment hearings, issues conferences, and evidentiary hearings held pursuant to this Part to determine the legal rights, duties or privileges of the named parties and potential parties on a record and after an opportunity for a hearing.
Adjudicatory proceeding means a proceeding conducted pursuant to this subpart and leading to the formulation of a final order other than a regulation.