Exchange Participant definition
Examples of Exchange Participant in a sentence
The NLT may be executed between the client account, house account or registered futures trader account of an Exchange Participant.
SEHK is required to check that in respect of any Northbound sell orders given by an Exchange Participant, the relevant Exchange Participant holds sufficient and available China Connect Securities to be able to fill such Northbound sell orders.
In view of the requirements for Pre-Trade Checking and thus the delivery of Stock Connect Securities to an Exchange Participant prior to the execution of the transaction, the investment manager may determine that it is in the interests of a sub-fund to conduct Stock Connect transactions only via a broker who is linked to the Company's sub-depositary bank, which in turn is an Exchange Participant.
An Order of an Exchange Participant resident on the Central Orderbook will be inactivated 10 minutes after the occurrence of a system failure at the Exchange Participant’s site unless the Exchange Participant has requested the Exchange to keep the Order activated within 10 minutes of the site failure.
Your ability to recover certain losses may be subject to limits on liability imposed by the system provider, the market, the clearing house and/or Exchange Participant firms.