Business Opportunities means all ideas, concepts or information received or developed (in whatever form) by you concerning any business, transaction or potential transaction that constitutes or may constitute an opportunity for the Company to earn a fee or income, specifically including those relationships that were initiated, nourished or developed at the Company’s expense. Confidential Information does not include data or information: (1) which has been voluntarily disclosed to the public by the Company, except where such public disclosure has been made by you without authorization from the Company; (2) which has been independently developed and disclosed by others; or (3) which has otherwise entered the public domain through lawful means.
Blended learning means the delivery of instruction in a combination of time in a supervised physical location away from home and online delivery whereby the student has some element of control over time, place, path, or pace of learning.
Expanded learning means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. It is the intent of the Legislature that expanded learning programs are pupil-centered, results driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activities in the regular school day and school year. (EC Section 8482.1[a])
Learning Programme means a programme of education and/or training delivered by the Provider under this Agreement;
Business Opportunity means any commercial, investment or other business opportunity relating to the Business.
Non-profit housing development means development of a building or structure intended for use as residential premises by,
continuing professional development means the continuing professional development contemplated in section 32;
Pre-Incentive Fee Net Investment Income means interest income, dividend income and any other income (including any other fees, other than fees for providing managerial assistance, such as commitment, origination, structuring, diligence and consulting fees or other fees that the Company receives from portfolio companies) accrued during the calendar quarter, minus the Company’s operating expenses for the quarter (including the base management fee, expenses payable under the administration agreement and any interest expense and dividends paid on any issued and outstanding preferred stock, but excluding the incentive fee). Pre-Incentive Fee Net Investment Income includes, in the case of investments with a deferred interest feature (such as original issue discount debt instruments with payment-in-kind interest and zero coupon securities), accrued income that the Company has not yet received in cash. Pre-Incentive Fee Net Investment Income does not include any realized capital gains, realized capital losses or unrealized capital appreciation or depreciation.
Incentive Management Fee shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9.2(e) hereof.
Mobile crisis outreach team means a crisis intervention service for minors or families of minors experiencing behavioral health or psychiatric emergencies.
Common profits means the balance of all income, rents, profits and revenues from the common areas and facilities remaining after the deduction of the common expenses;
Criminal history record information means records and data collected by criminal justice agencies
Training program means an NCA-approved Iowa college, the Iowa law enforcement academy or an Iowa hospital approved by the department to conduct emergency medical care training.
Reasonable Distance means a distance that has regard to the Employee’s original work location, current home address, capacity of the Employee to travel, additional travelling time, effects on the personal circumstances of the affected Employee, including family commitments and responsibilities and other matters raised by the Employee, or assistance provided by their Employer.
Operating Margin Customer means a Control Area purchasing Operating Margin pursuant to an agreement between such other Control Area and the LLC.
Development Contribution means the provision made by a developer under a planning agreement, being payment of a monetary contribution, the dedication of land, the carrying out of a work-in-kind, the provision of a material public benefit to be used for or applied towards a public purpose, or any combination of the above.
Technical Employees means those employees having special and specific engineering, geological or other professional skills, and whose primary function in Joint Operations is the handling of specific operating conditions and problems for the benefit of the Joint Property.
Operating Profits means, as applied to any Person for any period, the operating income of such Person for such period, as determined in accordance with GAAP.
Collaborative drug therapy management means participation by an authorized pharmacist and a physician in the management of drug therapy pursuant to a written community practice protocol or a written hospital practice protocol.
Work-based learning means opportunities and experiences that include but are not limited to tours, job shadowing, rotations, mentoring, entrepreneurship, service learning, internships, and apprenticeships.
Senior Management Personnel means personnel of the company who are members of its core management team excluding Board of Directors. Normally, this would comprise all members of management one level below the executive directors, including all functional heads.
specific learning disabilities means a heterogeneous group of conditions wherein there is a deficit in processing language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself as a difficulty to comprehend, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations and includes such conditions as perceptual disabilities, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia and developmental aphasia;
Customer channel termination point means the location where the customer either inputs or receives the communications.
New Trading Profits means the excess, if any, of Net Assets of the Partnership managed by the Advisor at the end of the fiscal period over Net Assets of the Partnership managed by the Advisor at the end of the highest previous fiscal period or Net Assets of the Partnership allocated to the Advisor at the date trading commences by the Advisor for the Partnership, whichever is higher, and as further adjusted to eliminate the effect on Net Assets of the Partnership resulting from new capital contributions, redemptions, reallocations or capital distributions, if any, made during the fiscal period decreased by interest or other income, not directly related to trading activity, earned on the Partnership’s assets during the fiscal period, whether the assets are held separately or in margin accounts. Ongoing expenses shall be attributed to the Advisor based on the Advisor’s proportionate share of Net Assets of the Partnership. Ongoing expenses shall not include expenses of litigation not involving the activities of the Advisor on behalf of the Partnership. Ongoing expenses include offering and organizational expenses of the Partnership. No Incentive Fee shall be paid to the Advisor until the end of the first full calendar quarter of the Advisor’s trading for the Partnership, which fee shall be based on New Trading Profits (if any) earned from the commencement of trading by the Advisor on behalf of the Partnership through the end of the first full calendar quarter of such trading. Interest income earned, if any, shall not be taken into account in computing New Trading Profits earned by the Advisor. If Net Assets of the Partnership allocated to the Advisor are reduced due to redemptions, distributions or reallocations (net of additions), there shall be a corresponding proportional reduction in the related loss carryforward amount that must be recouped before the Advisor is eligible to receive another Incentive Fee.
Non-Regulatory Opportunity Cost means the difference between (a) the forecasted cost to operate a specific generating unit when the unit only has a limited number of starts or available run hours resulting from (i) the physical equipment limitations of the unit, for up to one year, due to original equipment manufacturer recommendations or insurance carrier restrictions, (ii) a fuel supply limitation, for up to one year, resulting from an event of Catastrophic Force Majeure; and,
Peak tube potential means the maximum value of the potential difference across the x-ray tube during an exposure.