Examples of FC Share in a sentence
Participants in the F&C Share Schemes will receive full details on the effect of the Acquisition on their rights and BMO will make appropriate proposals to such participants in due course (including further details on the exchange of awards under the LTRP for awards under the Omnibus Plan outlined above).
In addition, F&C Shareholders on F&C’s register of members at the close of business on 4 April 2014 will be entitled to receive and retain an ordinary course dividend of 2 pence per F&C Share for the financial year ended 31 December 2013, which the board of directors of F&C resolved on 28 January 2014 to pay to such shareholders on the earlier of (i) 20 May 2014; and (ii) the date on which cash consideration is despatched pursuant to the Scheme (the “F&C Ordinary Dividend”).
Neither this statement nor any other statement in this announcement are intended to be a profit forecast and should not be interpreted to mean that earnings per F&C Share for the current or future financial years would necessarily match or exceed the historical published earnings per F&C Share.capabilities into the UK and the rest of Europe, using F&C’s existing distribution network.
Investors holding shares in the Company through F&C Share Plans should ensure that letters of direction are returned to Equiniti Limited not later than 9.30 a.m. on 26 January 2015 or, in the event that the meeting is adjourned, 72 hours before the time appointed for holding the adjourned meeting.
Issued share capitalNumber ofName4.2 As at the disclosure date, the F&C Directors and their respective immediate families, related trusts and any other connected persons were interested in options and awards over relevant securities of F&C under the F&C Share Schemes as follows: Long-term Remuneration Plan (LTRP) Share Price atNameAward type Number of F&C Shares Vesting of restricted awards under the LTRP is contingent upon specified performance conditions and conditions of continued service.
You are being written to separately with respect to your options and/or awards granted under the F&C Share Schemes.
Charges and Fees Payable by the Sub-FundPreliminary Charge*FC Share class: Nil.Realisation ChargeNil.Fees Payable by the Underlying Fund to its managers and othersManagement Company Fee **FC Share class: up to 0.75% p.a. (up to a maximum of 2.1% p.a.) * In addition to the Preliminary Charge, the Management Company of the Underlying Fund retains the right to charge additional fees and other costs for the subscription of shares in the Underlying Fund as may be notified from time to time to investors.
The Children Looked After health offer has also been prioritised to ensure that all Initial Health Assessments have still been carried out face to face and in a timely way and that Review Health Assessments have been routinely completed.
HMIS-ratings (scale 0 - 4)REACTIVITY 00FIREHEALTH 0Health = 0Fire = 0Reactivity = 0 · Other hazards· Results of PBT and vPvB assessment· PBT: Not applicable.
I’m sure there are air rights planned and by decking over the yard, it makes it much easier for someone to build.