Second Step definition

Second Step. If the discussion at step one does not resolve the grievance to the satisfaction of the grievant, the grievant shall have the right to file a written grievance with his/her supervisor. The grievance shall be filed within (14) calendar days after the event has occurred giving rise to the grievance. The grievance must be submitted in writing on a form as set forth in Appendix “A”, signed and dated, and presented to the Supervisor or Administrator directly involved who has authority in the matter or their respective designee. The grievance shall state: (1) the alleged cause of the grievance, including date, time and place;
Second Step. If the answer of the Bureau Head or Section Commander is unsatisfactory, the grievance may be advanced within ten (10) work days, in writing, by the Association to the Chief of Police for further review by the Chief or his designee. In no event shall the City attempt to settle any grievance directly with the Command Officer involved if no satisfactory settlement has been reached in the first step of the grievance procedure. The Chief or his designee shall make every effort to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of all concerned. The Chief or his designee may afford the Association a hearing at which time the grievance can be fully discussed.
Second Step. Second Written Warning placed in personnel file. Third Step: Suspension of up to three (3) workdays with or without pay. Fourth Step: Suspension of up to ten (10) workdays with or without pay. Fifth Step: Discharge

Examples of Second Step in a sentence

  • If the grievance has not been settled in the Second Step and if it is to be appealed to the Third Step, the grievant and/or his Association representative or representatives shall notify the Superintendent in writing within ten (10) days after receipt of the Superintendent's Second Step answer of the desire to appeal.

  • Second Step .................................................................................

  • If Local 1245 is dissatisfied with the Second Step answer and desires to pursue the matter, Local 1245 Business Representative or his designee shall notify the Director of Human Resources in writing of its appeal within five (5) regularly scheduled working days after receipt of the Second Step answer.

More Definitions of Second Step

Second Step. If the grievance has not been settled in the First Step, and if it is to be appealed to the Second Step, the Association representative and/or administrator must state in writing why the First Step answer was not acceptable, and said representative or administrator must present the grievance to the Superintendent within ten (10) regularly scheduled working days after the Superintendent or his/her designee gave the employee the written First Step answer. The Superintendent shall meet with the Association representative and the aggrieved administrator to discuss the grievance within ten(10) regularly scheduled working days after the grievance is presented at this Step. Within ten(10) regularly scheduled working days after the discussion, the Superintendent shall give the Association a written Second Step answer. If this answer is satisfactory, the Association representative and/or aggrieved administrator shall so indicate in writing giving one (1) copy of the settled grievance to the Superintendent.
Second Step. If satisfaction is not obtained in Step 1 above, then the employee may contact the Union office.
Second Step. A grievance not settled satisfactorily in the First Step may be appealed by the MCS USW Committee person with a copy of the written grievance and a written statement of the reasons for the appeal to the Labor Relations Department. On Wednesday, the Labor Relations Manager, or his designated representative, will hear any accumulated grievances. Written answer to those grievances will be given within four (4) days. Such meetings may be attended by Company representatives, the Xxxxxxx from the District from which the grievance originated, and the MCS USW Committee person. Grievances arising out of discharge or disciplinary suspension may be initiated at this Second Step and heard at any reasonable time after an employee has protested the action to his immediate first-line manager and has failed to secure a satisfactory settlement. When an employee is called into a discussion which may result in disciplinary documentation including reprimand, suspension or being sent home, he will be provided Union representation if he so requests. A prepared copy of the First-Line Manager’s report will be furnished to the Union.
Second Step. A grievance not settled satisfactorily in the First Step may be appealed by the Division Committee person with a copy of the written grievance and a written statement of the reasons for the appeal to the Human Resources Department. On Wednesday, the Human Resources Generalist, or his designated representative, will hear any accumulated grievances, which have been appealed in writing. The Human Resources Generalist will consider the grievances and provide a written answer within four (4) days. The employee’s immediate front line manager, other Company representatives, the Xxxxxxx, and the Committee person representing the District and Division where the grievance originated may attend. If a grievance hearing is scheduled, the hearing will be held unless both parties agree to reschedule. Unless an extension is mutually agreed, the Company will provide a Second Step answer within the specified time. Grievances arising out of discharge or disciplinary suspension may be initiated at this Second Step and heard at any reasonable time after an employee has protested the action to his immediate first-line manager and has failed to secure a satisfactory settlement. When an employee is called into a discussion which may result in disciplinary documentation including reprimand, suspension or being sent home, he will be provided Union representation if he so requests. A copy of the First-line Manager's Report prepared will be furnished to the Union.
Second Step. If the grievance is not settled within step one above, two (2) members of the Grievance Committee shall take the matter up with a committee designated by the Company. In case of an emergency a meeting can be called by either party. Additional outside representatives of the Union and the Company may be called in if so desired. A decision to be rendered within three (3) working days unless mutually agreed otherwise. All grievances and decisions at this stage are to be in writing. Should either party intend to proceed to the "Third Step", they must advise the other party in writing five (5) working days from the date the decision was rendered under Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure. Both parties will then proceed as outlined in the "Third Step". If either party desires, the grievor shall be in attendance at this meeting.
Second Step. In the event a grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at the First Step, the aggrieved employee or the HFT shall file, within five (5) days of receipt of the Principal’s written decision, a copy of the grievance with the Superintendent. Within five (5) days after the written grievance is filed, the aggrieved, the representative of the HFT, the Principal, and the Superintendent or his/her designee, shall meet to resolve the grievance. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall file an answer within five (5) days of the Second Step grievance meeting and communicate it in writing to the employee, the Principal, and the President of the HFT.
Second Step. A meeting shall occur between the Union Grievance committee and the Committee designated by the Company. In case of an emergency, a meeting can be called by either party. Outside representatives of the Union and the Company may be called in if so desired. A decision is to be rendered within three (3) working days unless mutually agreed otherwise. All grievances and decisions at this stage are to be in writing. The grievance shall contain the provision(s) of the Collective Agreement which are alleged to have been violated, the remedy sought, and the grievor’s name (where applicable). The parties agree that these are subject to reasonable amendments after the grievance has been filed. Should either party intend to proceed to the Third Step, they must advise the other party in writing within five (5) working days from the date the decision was rendered under Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure. Both parties will then proceed as outlined in the Third Step. Third Step: (a) Any disagreement, grievance, or dispute arising under this agreement which is not settled to the satisfaction of either the Union or the Company, shall, upon written notice of either party be submitted to a single person arbitration board. In the event the parties fail to agree on a single person arbitrator within ten (10) working days, he shall be appointed by the Minister of Labour for the Province of British Columbia. The arbitrator’s expenses shall be born in equal shares between the Company and the Union. The decision of the arbitrator shall be rendered within twenty-eight (28) days. The time limits referred to herein may be extended by mutual agreement.