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Figure 7 definition

Figure 7. Efficiency: performance profile of total running time FA and of running time until best found solution BA - medium instances Figure 8: Effectiveness: performance profile of optimality gap GA and of gap to best known value ∆QA - medium instances
Figure 7. The 2050 Kairouan aquifer SDM results.
Figure 7. 8: One Vehicle Driving on the Shoulder Did Not Trigger the Detector

Examples of Figure 7 in a sentence

  • However, the strong influence of particle size on the recovery of carbonate minerals in the carbonate flotation unit is clearly illustrated in Figure 7.

  • On the other hand, detection of CO in β Pic has only been possible through ALMA, raising the Figure 7.

  • If a section has only main paragraphs (i.e., there are no subparagraphs in the section), it must be numbered as shown in Figure 7.

  • Figure 7 – Safety SignsInstallation Only skilled technicians, appointed by the manufacturer, or by authorized dealers, must be allowed to carry out installation.

  • The Write Disable instruction (Figure 7) resets the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit in the Status Register to a 0.

More Definitions of Figure 7

Figure 7 the installation unit, bearing this approval xxxx is meeting the requirements of this Regulation in respect of the class C passing beam with class V passing beam and designed for left-hand traffic only.
Figure 7. Motorola's implementation of the Wimax Architecture A brief description of the various entities is provided below. [***] Motorola Confidential Proprietary Preliminary DAP/CAPC Product Description Document is subject to change [*** Confidential Treatment Requested] [***]
Figure 7. Software simulator Table 1 presents the parameters of the simulator for the 3 modes considered in the following. Table 1: Parameters of the simulator Mode 1 Mode 3 Mode 5 Nb OFDM symbols per frame 14 Nb data OFDM symbols per frame 10 FFT size 1024 Nb useful carriers 600 Nb bits per modulation symbol 2 4 6 Nb users 50 25 5 Nb Resource Blocks per user 1 2 10 Equalization ZF Channel coding Duo-binary turbo codes Coding rate 1/2 2/3 3/4 Channel estimation Frequency filtering + time interpolation
Figure 7. The Advocacy Strategy Framework – The framework can be used to illustrate any advocacy strategy. It is organized around two main dimensions of an advocacy strategy: the audiences targeted (x-axis) and the changes desired (y-axis) with those audiences. (Xxxxxxx & Beer, 2015)
Figure 7. Schematic geological cross section from NW to SE and well trajectory of the geothermal well St.Gallen GT-1 in St.Gallen (taken from [1]). 13 Figure 8: Schematic and stratigraphic view of the St.Gallen GT-1 well, TVD: total vertical depth, MD: measured depth taken from [2]. 15 Figure 9: Schematic view of the St.Gallen GT-1 well with completion installed since Nov. 2013 (adapted from [22]) 16 Figure 10: Aerial view of the Trecate oil treatment center 18 Figure 11: Group picture taken during ORION tests 19 Figure 12: Geological framework of the Italian oil reservoirs and the location of the Villafortuna oil field (red star). 20 Figure 13: Cross section of the Po plain with the location of the Villafortuna oil field 20 Table 1: Summary of field sites. 21 This reports compiles the existing geological information of field sites of interest to S4CE. The report includes the depth and location of the geologic formations of interest, the distance from aquifers, the position of known pre-existing faults, etc. S4CE will collect baseline information regarding all environmental risks (e.g., microseismic activity, water quality, emissions, etc.). These data are essential for quantifying the effects of anthropogenic operations on the environmental risks, and for completing Task 5.7. It will also be required to completely understand the instrumentation available at the 4 field sites, for properly deploying the technologies invented and developed by S4CE. Finally, this task is responsible for coordinating the collection of samples (rock, biological and gaseous), which are required for implementing the technologies discussed in WP3 (CoreVault, PUSH50 and thermo-genic vs. bio-genic methane differentiation) and for characterizing the samples, as described in WP4. This document has been prepared in close collaboration with the colleagues working at the five sites namely Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx and Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from the CarbFix project1 and the Nesjavellir site located at the Hellisheidi power plant in Iceland, Xxxx Xxx from the United Downs Deep Geothermal Power (UDDGP) project2 in Cornwall (United Kingdom), Xxxxxx Xxxxx from the St.Galler Stadtwerke in Switzerland3 and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx from the ENI oil treatment center4 in Trecate (Italy). The field sites are also shown in the map below (Error! Reference source not found.). In the following each field site is described separately from North to South.
Figure 7. One CA experience report, as seen by any member. It can be ranked or commented, as any blog entry.
Figure 7 calculated contact dose rates for cadmium xxxxxxx of different lengths vs. time for full power operation times of 5 h and 10