Examples of Example 3 in a sentence
Example 3 A savings deposit permits no more than six "preauthorized, automatic, or telephonic" transfers to other accounts or to third parties, any or all which may be by check, draft, debit card or similar order made by the depositor and payable to third parties.Report this account as an MMDA.
The written press release re- flects the mutual arrangement or un- derstanding of the NGEP and the in- sured depository institution and is, therefore, a written arrangement or understanding.(3) Example 3.
Example 3 A savings deposit permits no more than six "preauthorized, automatic, or telephonic" transfers to other accounts or to third parties.
The agreement is ex- empt from coverage under paragraph (c)(2) of this section.(3) Example 3.
Example 3 A terrorist group may establish a charity as a front for financing terrorist activity and open an annuity or key employee life contract with the charity as the owner.