Financial Assistance Award definition

Financial Assistance Award or “FAA” means the description of financial assistance set forth in Exhibit C, “Financial Assistance Award,” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; as such Financial Assistance Award may be amended from time to time.
Financial Assistance Award containing an “A” in column one from funds identified in that line in an amount equal to the rate set forth in the special condition identified in that line of the Financial Assistance Award, multiplied by the number of units of MHS 27 Services delivered under that line of the Financial Assistance Award during the period specified in that line. The total OHA financial assistance for all MHS 27 Services delivered under a particular line of the Financial Assistance Award containing an “A” in column one, shall not exceed the total funds awarded for MHS 27 Services as specified in that line of the Financial Assistance Award.
Financial Assistance Award to County in substantially equal monthly allotments during the period specified in that line of the Financial Assistance Award, subject to the following:

Examples of Financial Assistance Award in a sentence

  • This Program Element, and all changes to this Program Element are effective the first day of the month noted in Issue Date section of Exhibit C Financial Assistance Award unless otherwise noted in Comments and Footnotes of Exhibit C of the Financial Assistance Award.

  • A Notice of Financial Assistance Award issued by the contracting officer is the authorizing award document.

  • A Financial Assistance Award or Assistance Agreement issued by the Contracting Officer is the authorizing award document.

  • The general terms and conditions in the HHS GPS will apply as indicated unless there are statutory, regulatory, or award-specific requirements to the contrary that are specified in the Financial Assistance Award (FAA).

  • VI.1. Award Notices Successful applicants will be notified through the issuance of a Financial Assistance Award (FAA) document that sets forth the amount of funds granted, the terms and conditions of the grant, the effective date of the grant, the budget period for which initial support will be given, the non-Federal share to be provided (if applicable), and the total project period for which support is contemplated.

More Definitions of Financial Assistance Award

Financial Assistance Award means a legal instrument that creates a rela- tionship between the Federal govern- ment and another entity (recipient). The principal purpose of the award is the transfer of money or services in order to accomplish a public purpose authorized by Federal statute. The term ‘‘financial assistance award’’ en- compasses grants, loans, and coopera- tive agreements. The following ele- ments constitute the award:
Financial Assistance Award on MHS 34 lines that contain an “A” in column one. Other funds (the “Residential Limitation”) are not calculated, disbursed or settled under this Agreement. These funds are set forth in the Financial Assistance Award on MHS 34 lines that contain a “B” in column one and are paid as described in Section 4.b. below.
Financial Assistance Award to County in a one-time lump sum payment for the period specified in that line of the Financial Assistance Award.
Financial Assistance Award. OHA will disburse the funds awarded for this special project on a particular line of the Financial Assistance Award to County in substantially equal monthly allotments during the period specified in the Financial Assistance Award, subject to the following:
Financial Assistance Award containing an “A” in column “Part ABC” from funds identified in that line in an amount equal to the rate set forth in the special condition identified in that line of the Financial Assistance Award, multiplied by the number of units of MHS 28 Services delivered under that line of the Financial Assistance Award during the period specified in that line. The total OHA financial assistance for all MHS 28 Services delivered under a particular line of the Financial Assistance Award, containing an “A” in column “Part ABC,” shall not exceed the total funds awarded for MHS 28 Services as specified in that line of the Financial Assistance Award.
Financial Assistance Award containing an “A” in column one and amounts due for such services provided by County based on the rate set forth in the special condition identified in that line of the Financial Assistance Award. For purposes of this section, amounts due to County is determined by the actual amount of services delivered under that line of the Financial Assistance Award during the period specified in that line of the Financial Assistance Award, as properly reported in accordance with section 3. “Special Reporting Requirements” above or as required in an applicable Specialized Service Requirement. The settlement process will not apply to funds awarded for an approved Reserved Service Capacity Payment.
Financial Assistance Award or “FAA” means the description of financial assistance set forth in Exhibit C, as such Financial Assistance Award may be amended from time to time. References throughout this Agreement tothe Financial Assistance Award” means any and all descriptions of financial assistance currently set forth or as may be added to Exhibit C. to reflect increases or decreases in award amounts as they may occur during the entire period of the Agreement.”