Examples of First Diagnosis in a sentence
Please complete each applicable section of this form and provide all medical records in your possession for this Patient from the earliest date you list in the column below entitled Date of First Diagnosis through the date that you sign this form.
On the death of a Member or APTD of the Member or the First Diagnosis of CI on the life of a Member (whichever occurs earlier), the Sum Assured shall be payable.
We will NOT pay benefits for: (1) skin cancer, other than malignant melanoma; (2) any disease, sickness or incapacity, other than internal Cancer or malignant melanoma; (3) more than one First Diagnosis benefit; (4) loss that occurs while this policy is not in force; (5) a First Diagnosis made outside the United States of America; and (6) Cancer First Diagnosed during the 30-day Waiting Period.
Concerning First Diagnosis of Cancer insurance onlyNo benefits will be paid for a First Diagnosis of Cancer attributable, directly or indirectly, top one of the following causes:• Carcinoma in situ;• Kaposi’s Sarcoma;• Malignant melanoma, 0.7 mm deep or less, invading the dermis.
Four Star Plan First Diagnosis of the below-mentioned Illnesses more specifically described below:1.
Depending on the variant chosen under the Policy at Policy Commencement Date, on the earlier occurrence of Death of the Life Assured or the First Diagnosis of Cancer to the Life Assured (as applicable) after the Date of Commencement of Risk but before the Maturity Date, subject to Section 24, Section 25, Section 31 and Section 37 below, provided either the Policy or the risk cover/s under the Policy has/have not been terminated per Section 29 below, the Company shall pay the following to the Claimant.
Date of First Diagnosis is equivalent to Date of First Attendance to a hospital subsequent to which the patient was diagnosed as having cancer.
The benefits listed beloI, other than the Wellness Benefit, are onlK paKable for Cancer or a Specified Disease coHered Gnder the policK and sGbject to the reqGirements of Section IV aboHe. For all benefits, other than the Wellness, First Diagnosis, and GoHernment or CharitK Hospital or OGtpatient Clinic benefits, We Iill onlK paK the applicable benefit amoGnt if there Ias an actGal billed charge or IncGrred EJpense for the serHice or treatment.
First Diagnosis of Severe Mental Handicap: A study of Parental Reaction.
On the payment of the death or APTD or CI benefit (as applicable), all the Life Insurance Cover of the Member shall be terminated.In case of joint life, the Sum Assured will be payable on the first of death or APTD or First Diagnosis of CI of either of the joint life Members (whichever occurs earlier).