Examples of FLEGT licence in a sentence
In the event of an inquiry concerning the authenticity, completeness, and validity of the V-Legal Document or FLEGT licence, the competent authorities in the Union will contact the Licence Information Unit in the Ministry of Forestry for further clarification.
The V-Legal Document is issued by the LVs who act as Licensing Authorities and will be used as a FLEGT licence for shipments to the Union once the parties have agreed to start the FLEGT licensing scheme.
The competent authorities shall verify that each shipment is covered by a valid FLEGT licence before releasing that shipment for free circulation in the Union.
It makes it possible to ensure, at any time and anywhere within Cameroon, that only timber produced or acquired legally is in circulation, and may be granted a FLEGT licence when required.
Once FLEGT licences are issued, the Agreement will facilitate compliance of EU importers with the requirements of Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market5 which states that timber and timber products covered with a FLEGT licence is considered to have been legally harvested for the purposes of that Regulation.