Examples of Forecasting Template in a sentence
All Exception to BAU Forecasts must contain all of the information indicated in the relevant worksheet of the Forecasting Template and must include the date the Exception to BAU Forecast is submitted, the date of Exception to BAU Day Zero and the Forecast Cluster at which the Exception to BAU Order is to take place.
Note, data may differ between reports, but they can still be used as resources.o Biennium To Date Budget Balanceso Remaining Balance by OrgCode and Categoryo Forecasting Template by Fiscal Year and OrgCode (please note, this tool will imperfectly forecast expenditures if units employ fund shifts or cost transfers)• Central Budget Assumptions (mentioned above), which includes additional resources and guidelines.• Q&A Sessions on November 28 and 30.
A Forecasting Template will be provided by Chorus with a separate worksheet for each Forecast type.
A Remote Tie Cable Forecast must contain all of the information in the relevant worksheet of the Forecasting Template including the date it is submitted to Chorus .
The Forecasting Template will be published on a Chorus website and available at the time the Forecast is required.
In the event that Chorus updates the Forecasting Template, it will email a copy of the updated Forecasting Template to the Access Seeker’s provisioning and forecast manager 20 Working Days prior to the date on which forecast managers will be expected to make use of the revised Forecasting Template, and update the Forecasting Template on its website.
All Bulk Transfer Forecasts must contain all of the information indicated in the relevant worksheet of the Forecasting Template and must include the date the Bulk Transfer Forecast is submitted, the date of MPF Day Zero and the Exchange at which the Bulk Transfer is to take place.
A BAU Forecast must contain all of the information indicated in the relevant worksheet of the Forecasting Template including the date it is submitted to Telecom.
Any proposal for a new internetworking architecture will have to take into account economic realities, such as existing incentive structures [4].
A BAU Forecast must contain all of the information indicated in the relevant worksheet of the Forecasting Template including the date it is submitted to Chorus.