Former Participant Rollover Form definition
Examples of Former Participant Rollover Form in a sentence
You should also keep a copy of all pages of your Former Participant Rollover Form, including the first page with the address label, for your records.
Former Plan participants who fail to complete, sign, and mail their Former Participant Rollover Form will receive their Settlement distribution by check.
If the Settlement Administrator is unable to effectuate the rollover instructions of any Rollover-Electing Former Participant as provided in his or her Former Participant Rollover Form, he or she will be treated as a Non-Rollover- Electing Former Participant.
To elect a rollover, please complete and mail this Former Participant Rollover Form postmarked on or before [RETURN DATE SET FORTH IN PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ORDER] to the Settlement Administrator.
Id. ¶¶ 2.28, 6.6. Any Former Participants who do not submit a Former Participant Rollover Form will receive their share via check (subject to a $10 de minimus threshold to minimize distribution costs).
Each Former Participant (or the Beneficiaries or Alternate Payees of Former Participants) will have the opportunity to elect a tax-qualified rollover of his or her Entitlement Amount to an individual retirement account or other eligible employment plan, which he or she has identified on the Former Participant Rollover Form, provided that the Former Participant supplies adequate information to the Settlement Administrator (as requested on the form) to effect the rollover.
Mail your completed Former Participant Rollover Form postmarked on or before [RETURN DATE SET FORTH IN PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ORDER] to the Settlement Administrator at the following address: It is your responsibility to ensure the Settlement Administrator has timely received your Former Participant Rollover Form.
Former Participants who do not submit a Former Participant Rollover Form will receive their settlement payment via check pursuant to the Plan of Allocation.
The Notice to Former Participant Class Members will include the Former Participant Rollover Form.
The Settlement Administrator shall send by first class mail the appropriate Settlement Notice to each Class Member and the Former Participant Rollover Form to each Former Participant within forty-five (45) calendar days of the date of this Order, as specified in the Settlement Agreement, based on data provided by the Plans’ recordkeeper.