Oil sands means impregnated bituminous sands that:
Eligible production company means that term as defined under section 455 of the Michigan business tax act, 2007 PA 36, MCL 208.1455.
Natural uranium means uranium with the naturally occurring distribution of uranium isotopes, which is approximately 0.711 weight percent uranium-235, and the remainder by weight essentially uranium-238.
Gram Sabha means a body consisting of persons registered in the electoral rolls relating to a village comprised within the area of Panchayat at the village level;
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) means a vehicle that is similar to a Hybrid but is equipped with a larger, more advanced battery that allows the vehicle to be plugged in and recharged in addition to refueling with gasoline. This larger battery allows the car to be driven on a combination of electric and gasoline fuels.
Natural Gas Liquids means those hydrocarbon components that can be recovered from natural gas as a liquid including, but not limited to, ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes plus, and condensates;
Class I renewable energy means electric energy produced from
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.
Sales finance company means that term as defined in section 2 of the motor vehicle sales finance act, MCL 492.102.
Natural gas company ’ means a person engaged in the transportation of natural gas in interstate commerce, or the sale in inter- state commerce of such gas for resale.
Class II renewable energy means electric energy produced at a
COP means Code of Practice.
COGSA means the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of the United States of America approved on 16th April 1936.
Business Unit means the assets constituting the business or a division or operating unit thereof of any Person.
FTPS Unit means Units which are purchased through the Fund/SERV(R) trading system or on a manual basis through FTP Services LLC or for which FTP Services LLC is acting as FTPS Unit Servicing Agent.
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle means a motor vehicle that:
Disposable pay means that part of current basic pay, special pay, incen- tive pay, retired pay, retainer pay, and, in the case of an employee not entitled to basic pay, other authorized pay, re- maining for each pay period after the deduction of any amount required by law to be withheld. The Commission shall allow the following deductions in determining the amount of disposable pay that is subject to salary offset:
own-source revenue means adjusted underlying revenue other than revenue that is not under the control of council (including government grants)
Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF) means a second frame that augments an existing Main Distribution Frame. Lines or outside cables that do not terminate on the IDF.
OPWC means the Ohio Public Works Commission created pursuant to Revised Code Section 164.02.
Nitrogen oxides means nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, expressed as nitrogen dioxide (NO2);
Pro se means a party not represented by an attorney of record.
Generation Unit means a facility that converts a fuel or an energy resource into electrical energy.
Cogeneration unit means a unit that has equipment used to produce electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) for industrial, commercial, heating or cooling purposes, through the sequential use of energy.
Distributor / Distribution Company means Company(ies), Firm(s), Sole Proprietorship concern(s), individual(s), Banks or any other Financial Institution appointed by the Management Company under intimation to the Trustee for performing any or all of the Distribution Functions and who are registered with MUFAP as Registered Service Providers. The Management Company may itself also performs the Distribution Function.
Diluent means liquid light hydrocarbons with an API gravity at sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit of forty-five (45) degrees or higher which are naturally occurring petroleum or atmospherically stable products of refining and fractionation, gas well condensates or gas plant condensates (natural gas liquids), or any material acceptable for delivery to BP Pipelines (North America) Inc. pipeline at Black Oak Junction in Gary, Indiana.