Free Rent definition

Free Rent means the amount of base rent and tenant reimbursements that are abated according to the applicable lease agreement(s).
Free Rent means the period at inception of a tenant's lease during which the tenant does not pay base rent and operating expenses, as provided for under the lease agreement.
Free Rent. Landlord’s Work: Free Rent: Tenant shall receive an Allowance in the form of Free Rent for the first Four (4) months of the term of the Lease. Tenant shall pay CAM and Taxes during Free Rent period. Unit to be left in broom clean condition free of furniture, dirt, and debris.

Examples of Free Rent in a sentence

  • At the conclusion of the Free Rent Period, this Section 4.15 shall have no further force or effect.

  • The Retailer may install a maximum of two (2) speculative (unsold) homes under the above terms and conditions and will be entitled to a rent incentive of three (3) months Free Rent for a maximum of two (2) speculative (unsold) homes.

  • After the expiration of the Free Rent Period, Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord as rent for the Leased Premises, at such place as Landlord may designate in writing, without prior demand and without any deduction or off- set whatsoever, a monthly rent (“the “Rent”) of One Dollar ($1.00) per square foot in the Leased Premises per month for a total monthly Rent of One Thousand Three Hundred Dollars and zero Cents ($1,300.00).

  • Provided the Tenant is not in breach of the Lease, the Tenant shall have the right to renew the Lease with respect to the Leased Premises for 1 additional term of Five(5) years on the same terms and conditions, save only for the Basic Rent, Free Rent, Fixturing Allowance, and there will be no further right of renewal.

  • Provided the Tenant has not been in breach of the Lease, the Tenant shall have the right to renew the Lease with respect to the Leased Premises for One (1) additional term of Three (3) years on the same terms and conditions, save only for the Basic Rent, Free Rent, Landlord Work, any Tenant inducement and that there will be no further right of renewal beyond this option.

More Definitions of Free Rent

Free Rent shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.7.1 hereof.
Free Rent. Fact Sheet, and Tax Aspects of Leasing Farmland Fact Sheet. This fact sheet summarizes the more common methods to determine the rent in farm lease agreements. For an excellent, in-depth discussion of farm rent, see How to Determine the Right Farm Rental Rate published by the University of Vermont.
Free Rent. ’ means the amount of base rent and operating expenses that are abated according to the applicable lease agreement(s).
Free Rent. Notwithstanding the stated Fixed Rent set forth above, provided Tenant is not in default of any of its obligations under this Lease, Tenant shall be entitled to an abatement of monthly installments of Annual Fixed Rent, or so-called "free rent" period, for the first three (3) full calendar months of the Lease Term.
Free Rent is called the "Abated Rent". Tenant shall be credited with having paid all of the Abated Rent on the expiration of the Lease Term only if Tenant has fully, faithfully and punctually performed all of Tenant's obligations hereunder, including the payment of all Rent and Additional Rent (other than the Abated Rent) and all other monetary obligations and the surrender of the Premises in the physical condition required by this Lease. Tenant acknowledges that its right to receive credit for Abated Rent is absolutely conditioned upon Tenant's full, faithful and punctual performance of its obligations under this Lease. If Tenant defaults and does not cure within any applicable grace period, the Abated Rent shall immediately become due and payable in full and this Lease shall be enforced as if there were no such Rent Abatement or other rent concession.
Free Rent. Sublandlord will provide Subtenant the first four (4) months' occupancy free of rent.
Free Rent. The Landlord shall grant the Tenant rent free periods as follows: One (1) month (Dec.'97) gross free Two (2) months (Jan.'98 - Feb.'98) net free During said period, the Tenant shall be bound by all other terms and conditions of the lease including the payment of Additional Rent.