Examples of Funded Scope in a sentence
You must document Evidence of Participation at the subject level for all programs on the Funded Scope that are delivered to Skills First Students.
You must ensure you maintain sufficient Records to enable us to determine, at any time, which Skills First Teacher was responsible for delivering each subject in programs on the Funded Scope delivered under this Contract.
We may add or remove a program from the Funded Scope or may otherwise alter the Funded Scope.
You must conduct assessment in programs on the Funded Scope in compliance with Regulatory Standards and the assessment requirements of the relevant Training Package or accredited course.
You must publish in a prominent place on your website: standard tuition fees for Skills First subsidised training for each program you deliver on the Funded Scope.
You may determine the tuition fee you charge to any Skills First Student for delivery of programs on the Funded Scope, unless: the individual has an entitlement to a Fee Concession; or there is a requirement to apply a Fee Waiver.
Funded Scope A program will be automatically added to the Funded Scope if it is added to your scope of registration as a registered training organisation, provided that (unless we otherwise agree) the program is listed on the Funded Programs Report.
We are not liable to pay Funds for programs other than those that are on the Funded Programs Report and the Funded Scope.
If you do not participate in a process we advise under Clause 5.5, or do not meet the required standard, we may notify you via the SVTS that we will remove relevant programs from the Funded Scope and/or direct you to cease enrolments in particular programs or types of training.
To avoid doubt, Funds will only be paid where the Program Commencement Date for the program falls within the ‘Effective for PCD from’ and ‘Effective for PCD to’ dates for the program specified in the Funded Programs Report and on the Funded Scope.