Gazette definition
Examples of Gazette in a sentence
The general framework of reference in which Enabel operates is: - The Belgian Law on Development Cooperation of 19 March 20131; - The Belgian Law of 21 December 1998 establishing the Belgian Technical Cooperation as a public-law company2; - The Belgian Law of 23 November 2017 changing the name of the Belgian Technical Cooperation and defining the missions and functioning of Enabel, the Belgian development agency, published in the Belgian Official Gazette on 11 December 2017.
If there is any imbalance in the ratio of 4:1 in respect of stage carriage permits on inter-State routes, the imbalance shall be set right within a period of four years from the date of final publication of the agreement in the Pondicherry Government Gazette.
First Nation Final Agreement shall be published in the Canada Gazette, the Yukon Gazette and the Yukon First Nation registry of laws established pursuant to that Yukon First Nation's self-government agreement.
Having regard to the provisions of Law 4001/2011 (Government Gazette, A 179, hereinafter “the Law”), the NNGS Network Code and RAE decision no.