Examples of Grading plan in a sentence
The City further acknowledges that the actual final grades may deviate slightly from the grades proposed in the Grading Plan.
If the proposed excavation for the use of the Extractable Natural Materials as contemplated in this section is consistent with the final uses in the area as illustrated on the Grading Plan, then the proposed excavation shall be approved by the City irrespective of whether the proposed grading is in conjunction with a Subdivision, preliminary or final site plan, plat, or just the grading by itself.
Accordingly, the Parties have established the Grading Plan to facilitate orderly cross-parcel development of the Project.
Subject to the land disturbance permit requirements of the City and the proposed grades set forth in the Grading Plan, 2ZQHUV PD\ JUDGH DQ\ SRUWLRQ RI WKH 3U preliminary or final plat or site plan for any portion of the Project.
The City acknowledges that the Grading Plan sets forth the proposed preliminary grades for the Project.