Grading plan definition

Grading plan means a plan outlining the excavation or fill proposed for the subdivision or development, including a description of the conditions resulting from such excavation or fill.
Grading plan means a plan prepared in accordance with this chapter showing grading and related work.
Grading plan means a plan that shows all finish grades, spot elevations as necessary and existing and new contours with the developed landscaped area.

Examples of Grading plan in a sentence

  • The City further acknowledges that the actual final grades may deviate slightly from the grades proposed in the Grading Plan.

  • If the proposed excavation for the use of the Extractable Natural Materials as contemplated in this section is consistent with the final uses in the area as illustrated on the Grading Plan, then the proposed excavation shall be approved by the City irrespective of whether the proposed grading is in conjunction with a Subdivision, preliminary or final site plan, plat, or just the grading by itself.

  • Accordingly, the Parties have established the Grading Plan to facilitate orderly cross-parcel development of the Project.

  • Subject to the land disturbance permit requirements of the City and the proposed grades set forth in the Grading Plan, 2ZQHUV PD\ JUDGH DQ\ SRUWLRQ RI WKH 3U preliminary or final plat or site plan for any portion of the Project.

  • The City acknowledges that the Grading Plan sets forth the proposed preliminary grades for the Project.

More Definitions of Grading plan

Grading plan means a plan which shows the proposed grades for the development in a manner that reflects the scope of earthwork required and the finished site grades.Deleted: eDeleted: d
Grading plan means a drawing of a proposed subdivision on a contour or topographic map showing existing and proposed contours at a contour interval of not more than five (5) feet and a scale of not less than one hundred (100) feet to the inch.
Grading plan means a plan prepared in accordance with this chapter showing grading and related work. “Grading work” is grading and related work, such as, but not limited to, drainage improvements and erosion
Grading plan means a plan prepared in accordance with this article showing grading and related
Grading plan means a plan that shows all finish grades, spot elevations, drainage as necessary
Grading plan means a drawing of a proposed subdivision on a contour or topographic map showing existing and proposed contours at a contour interval of not more than five
Grading plan means a plan describing the existing topography and proposed grading, including retaining wall locations and details, interfaces with adjacent properties, streets, alleys and channels, referenced to mean sea level based on the New Mexico State Plane, Central Meridian, with vertical datum utilizing North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD ’88) and the horizontal datum utilizing North American Datum 1983 (NAD ’83), and showing sufficient contours, spot elevations and cross sections to allow a clear understanding by reviewers, contractors and inspectors.