Green Gas definition
Examples of Green Gas in a sentence
Board has issued directions to Principal Secretary Urban Development, Principal Secretary Forests, Principal Secretary Transport, Principal Secretary Agriculture, Managing Director Central U.P. Gas Ltd., Managing Director Indraprastha Gas Ltd, and Managing Director Green Gas Ltd.
Xxxxxx Green Gas (BGG) understands that around 15 existing biomethane projects flare gas from time to time because of DNO capacity constraints.
All electricity procured via the NPS framework is from 100% renewable energy sources; 41% sourced from Wales (Apr 20 – Mar 21); Gas – Total Gas and Power (TGP) procured as new gas supplier (Apr 21 – Mar 22); Green Gas tariffs - dependant on viability and cost impact; pricing option available with TGP later in the year.
If you take up Green Gas, we’ll purchase greenhouse gas offsets equal to the estimated greenhouse gas emissions from your natural gas supply.
The option to purchase Green Gas will be available with the new gas supplier Total Gas and Power from Apr 21 – this will be dependent on viability and cost impact.
The bidder (s) or his designated representative, who have downloaded the bid document and have confirmed their intention to bid are invited to attend a pre-bid meeting which will take place at Green Gas Ltd.
This option also aligns to the requirements of government subsidy schemes for renewable gases, e.g. The Green Gas Support Scheme, which requires gas to be entered into a Licensed gas Transporter’s network.
Or, if there is no charge when you take up your GreenPower or Green Gas product, then after 12 months, we may start to charge you.
This decision will take several matters into account, including, but not limited to: - Energinet and Evida having concluded a cooperation agreement for the construction, covering the period of time from the positive investment decision and until the commissioning date of the Green Gas Lolland-Falster Project; - Energinet has been granted approval from the Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities for the implementation of the Green Gas Lolland-Falster Project, cf.
Fittings shall be identified with service indexes in the following color coding: Hot Water Red Cold Water Dark Green Gas Dark Blue Air.