Group Booking definition

Group Booking means a booking of 10 or more apartments at the same Property;
Group Booking means a Booking entered into by one Passenger on behalf of itself and a number of other Passengers.
Group Booking means a booking by a Lead Party for at least two individuals who wish to participate in an Event; “Group” means all of the individuals specified in the Group Booking;

Examples of Group Booking in a sentence

  • Hotel Stay Group Booking In case of a Group Booking for Hotel Stay, numbers 1.

  • Hotel Stay Group Booking In case of a Hotel Stay Group Booking, numbers 1.

  • Hotel Extended Stay Group Booking In case of a Hotel Extended Stay Group Booking, numbers 1.

  • Hotel Extended Stay Group Booking In case of a Group Booking for Hotel Extended Stay, numbers1.

  • Hotel Extended Stay Group Booking In case of a Group Booking for Hotel Extended Stay, numbers 1.

More Definitions of Group Booking

Group Booking means any booking made with our bookings team by either phone or email for groups of 10 or more. “Online Group Booking” means any booking made via our online group booking system for groups of 10 or more. “Online Ticket” means any ticket purchased via our online booking system.
Group Booking generally means four (4) or more rooms jointly booked under a single reservation number.
Group Booking means a Booking relating to more than one Crew Member;
Group Booking a Booking for four Accommodation Units or more. Tenant: the person making a booking with Dormio Resorts & Hotels, as well as the other persons using the rented Accommodation. Rent: the Flexible or Standard Price agreed when the Agreement was concluded. House Contents: the contents and furniture of the Accommodation, such in the broadest meaning of the word. Long stay: a Booking for 22 nights or more. No-Show: not arriving at the Resort within 24 hours, to be calculated from the earliest check-in time on the Arrival date, without prior notification by the Tenant to Dormio Resorts & Hotels or the Reception of the Resort. Agreement: the agreement concluded by the Tenant with Dormio Resorts & Hotels in respect of renting the Accommodation for recreational use. Park Rules: the rules applicable at the relevant Resort, such as but not limited to rules about the use of the Accommodation, Facilities, etc. Reception: the reception area at the Resort, where the Tenant must check in and check out of the Accommodation and where the Tenant can ask any questions. Holiday Sum: the Rent of the Accommodation including any Additional Costs. Booking: the booking for an Accommodation Unit at Dormio Resorts & Hotels.
Group Booking means the booking of the Course in a group of more than one individual;
Group Booking means a single booking consisting of ten or more individuals or such other booking, of whatever number, that is handled through the VH and Associated Brands group booking departments.
Group Booking means a booking in respect of the Services for 10 (ten) or more persons and/or 5 (five) or more rooms;