Use of the Accommodation. An agreement will list the accommodation We initially allocate for Your use. You will have a non-exclusive right to the rooms allocated to You. Where the accommodation is a Coworking desk, this can only be used by one individual, it cannot be shared amongst multiple individuals. Occasionally to ensure the efficient running of the Center, We may need to allocate different accommodation to You, but it will be of reasonably equivalent size and We will notify You with respect to such different accommodation in advance.
Use of the Accommodation. Only you can live in the Accommodation unless you are living in a designated twin room. You are not allowed to assign (transfer) the benefit of this Agreement to another person or sublet the Accommodation on a temporary or permanent basis. You agree not to use your room or the Accommodation for any business or commercial purposes or illegal or immoral activity.
Use of the Accommodation. An agreement will list the accommodation We initially allocate for Your use. You will have a non-exclusive right to the rooms allocated to You. Occasionally to ensure the efficient running of the Centre, We may need to allocate different accommodation to You, but it will be of reasonably equivalent size and We will notify You with respect to such different accommodation in advance.
Use of the Accommodation. 3.2.1 Not to use the Accommodation for business or any purpose other than a study bedroom and not to use any other part of the Residence for any purpose other than its designated use.
3.2.2 Not to share the Accommodation or sub-let it or transfer occupancy to any person. Unauthorised occupation of the Accommodation will be treated by Falmouth Exeter Plus as a serious breach of this Contract, which could give rise to its early termination under clause 6 and/or disciplinary action under the University’s Regulations.
Use of the Accommodation. An agreement will list the accommodation We initially allocate for Your use. Where the accommodation is a Co-working desk, this can only be used by one individual, it cannot be shared amongst multiple individuals. Occasionally to ensure the efficient running of the Centre, We may need to allocate different accommodation to You, but it will be of reasonably equivalent size, and We will endeavour, where reasonably practicable, to give you at least a month’s advance notice of a change of allocation.
Use of the Accommodation. The condition of the Accommodation and the nature of its use Maximum number of inhabitants Pets
Use of the Accommodation. 3.2.1 Not to use the Accommodation for business or any purpose other than a study bedroom and not to use any other part of the Residence for any purpose other than its designated use.
3.2.2 Not to share the Accommodation (other than if allocated as a sharing student in a shared room) or sub-let it or transfer occupancy to any person. Unauthorised occupation of the Accommodation will be treated by Falmouth Exeter Plus as a serious breach of this Contract, which could give rise to its early termination under clause 6 and/or disciplinary action under the University’s Regulations.
Use of the Accommodation. 4.1 The Accommodation will be ready for your arrival from 3pm on the first day of the Booking Period. Guests must vacate the Accommodation by 11am on the last day of the Booking Period.
4.2 You agree to provide us with the names and ages of each person who is to stay at the Accommodation at least one month prior to the start of the Booking Period. We are unable to accept groups of guests which are either all male, all female, or all under the age of 25. Strictly no stag or hen parties.
4.3 The Accommodation is booked on the basis of a maximum of two adult persons staying in each hut. You and your guests are not permitted to bring your own additional beds.
4.4 Due to the nature of the Accommodation and its rural setting, wheelchair access is very limited, however we will endeavour to assistant where reasonably possible anyone with disabilities. Please notify us prior to or at time of booking of any special needs.
4.5 Any linen changes requested by you or your guests will be subject to an additional charge (as set out on our standard price list at the time of your request) which shall be invoiced in accordance with clause 5.3. Accommodation Rules
4.6 You agree and undertake:
4.6.1 not to bring to the Accommodation, or use at the Accommodation, any illegal substances, and use reasonable endeavours to ensure that all guests comply with the same;
4.6.2 not to permit any naked flames, lights or gas cylinders to be used inside the Accommodation, other than battery tea lights or candles provided;
4.6.3 not to do or permit to be done anything on the Accommodation which is illegal or which may be or become a nuisance (whether actionable or not), annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to us or to any of our other clients, or any owner or occupier of neighbouring property;
4.6.4 to comply with the terms of this Contract and any instructions or notices from us, and use reasonable efforts to ensure that any guests so comply;
4.6.5 not to cause or permit to be caused any damage to the Accommodation, including any furnishings, equipment or fixtures at the Accommodation;
4.6.6 not to alter, move or interfere with any lighting, heating, power, cabling or other electrical fittings or appliances at the Accommodation, or install or use additional heating, power, cabling or other electronic fittings or appliances (other than small appliances such as mobile phone chargers) without our prior written consent;
4.6.7 to use any equipment provided by us for its proper purpose and in...
Use of the Accommodation. An agreement will list the office Absolute Social Club hasallocated for you and your company’s use. You will have a non-exclusive right to the office(s) allocated to you. Occasionally to ensure the efficient running of the Absolute Social Club location, Absolute Social Club may need to allocate different offices to you, but it will be of reason able equivalent size and Absolute Social Club will notify you with respect to such different accommodation in advance.
Use of the Accommodation. The study bedroom in the house or apartment which has been allocated to you is for your individual personal use whilst studying at the University • No more than the registered number of residents per house or apartment is permitted to live there. • Sub-letting of all or part of the accommodation is prohibited. • You agree not to interfere with, or alter the decor of your study bedroom. Pictures, posters, etc. may be fixed to the areas of pin board (where provided), and should be removed when you vacate the accommodation. Fixing them elsewhere using blutac, sellotape or other adhesive materials can cause damage to paintwork, for which you will be charged. • You must not keep any pets or livestock in University residences. • You must maintain the house or apartment, and your study bedroom in good condition. The accommodation will be inspected periodically. Any damages beyond normal wear-and-tear not noted on the online Inventory module and any damages or missing items will be repaired or replaced by the University and the cost recovered from you and/or other residents. • All Residents of a floor or house may share joint responsibility for loss from or damage to communal areas within a building. • You may be requested to relocate to a substitute room at any time upon being given 48 hours notice. However, in the event of an emergency such notice may not be possible. • Students must not run any type of business from their accommodation.