Examples of Habitats Directive in a sentence
Please provide any relevant information on measures taken to identify, implement and manage protected areas for cetaceans, including MPAs designated under the Habitats Directive and MPAs planned or established within the framework of OSPAR or HELCOM.
The Habitats Directive deals with the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora throughout the European Union.
The Habitats Directive provides the highest level of protection for SACs and SPAs, domestic legislation provides a lower but important level of protection for SSSIs. Finally the Environment Act provides more generalised protection for flora and fauna rather than for specifically named conservation designations.
The questions are structured around the five evaluation criteria addressed in the mandate: effectiveness = S, efficiency = Y, coherence = C, relevance = R, and EU added value = AV.EffectivenessThis section focuses on assessing the extent to which the objectives of the Birds Directive and Habitats Directive have been met, and any significant factors which may have contributed to or inhibited progress towards meeting those objectives.
The requirement for AA is provided under the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 1992/43/EEC).