Examples of Health care staff in a sentence
Health care staff shall not be employed at a TDCJ institution unless they pass TDCJ security clearance procedures.
Health care staff work in accordance with profession-specific job descriptions approved by the health authority.
Health care staff shall comply with all other TDCJ policies and rules while on TDCJ premises.
All Health Services Units will have procedures and control systems to ensure continuity of medical and psychiatric care and treatment for inmates housed in SHUs. Health care staff will be informed immediately when an inmate is transferred to SHU.
Health care staff works in accordance with profession-specific job descriptions approved by the health authority.
Health care staff eligible for conducting traditional health care must have a bachelor’s degree in health and obtained training in basic traditional health care (at this time, it was only in acupressure) by the Ministry of Health (MOH).
Health care staff (adapted from the CDC Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for patients with confirmed COVID-19 or persons under investigation for COVID-19 in Healthcare Settings and should updated as necessary in line with new WHO guidance)HEALTH CARE SETTINGS1.
Health care staff are often working with patients who, for a range of reasons, may be less able to protect themselves from neglect, harm or abuse.
Health care staff working in the new ward, especially nurses, feel themselves more and more part of an organizational context.
Health- care staff wellbeing, burnout, and patient safety: a system- atic review.