Support Staff Sample Clauses

Support Staff. The College shall designate a clerical person on each campus whose primary responsibility will be to perform clerical duties related to workload assignments for Employees. Faculty assignments to the clerical person shall be given priority over non- faculty assignments. Any conflicts shall be reported to the Chief Academic Officer or to an academic officer of the College who holds the rank of Campus Director or higher. Employees will be notified of the identity of this person and the clerical person will be notified.
Support Staff. The Chief Superintendent or designee shall be authorized to grant short leave of absence to support staff in accordance with this section as follows: 7.2.1 Emergency illness in the family or household Allow one (1) day and deduct up to four (4) or family emergency. days at minimum rate. In special cases, deduct additional days up to a total of ten (10) days absence at minimum rate.
Support Staff. Manager will provide the School with such support staff as are required to provide the Educational Services, Administrative Services and Supplemental Programs (if any). Such support staff may include, among others, teachers’ aides, clerical staff, administrative assistants to the HOS, bookkeepers and maintenance personnel. Support staff may work at the School on a full or part time basis.
Support Staff. 8.14.1. Principals shall afford district counselors, school nurses, and in-school counselors the opportunity to attend appropriate district-sponsored professional growth activities designed for them at least twice per year. 8.14.2. Site administrators who share the services of district counselors and/or school nurses shall work together to facilitate the district counselors/nurses participation in appropriate modified day activities.
Support Staff. These provisions may not be voided, modified nor waived by a related CA unless otherwise expressly provided herein:
Support Staff. Signature of the employee and the evaluator shall signify only that the instrument or response has been examined and shall not constitute agreement.
Support Staff. The evaluation and responses shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file within seven (7) working days following receipt of the response.
Support Staff. If the employee feels his/her formal written evaluation or a written observation report is incomplete, inaccurate or unjust, he/she may put his/her objections in writing and have them attached to the evaluation report to be placed in his/her personnel file. The employee shall submit objections within five (5) working days of the evaluation conference, during which the evaluation was received. A copy signed by both parties shall be retained by both parties.
Support Staff. There shall be an evaluation conference held between the administrator and the Support Staff member no later than five (5) working days after the evaluation. In the event of an absence in either or both of the parties, then the evaluation conference will be held within ten (10) work days of the observation, not including any days of absence by either party.
Support Staff. The Company shall provide the Consultant with reasonable support staff at the Company's principal office for the performance of the Services, including an office and non-exclusive secretarial services.