High Sample Clauses

High. An incident with a severity level of “High” is defined as one that produces a detrimental situation in which the Services are usable, but materially incomplete; performance (response time) of the Services is degraded substantially such that there is a severe impact on use under reasonable loads; one or more mainline functions or commands is inoperable; or the use is otherwise significantly impacted. If the reported event is a High severity, the Support Desk will contact the Authorized User who reported the event within eight (8) User Support Hours to diagnose and begin remediation of the event, and will use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve the event with five (5) business days. Any authorized user may contact the support desk to report any issue, even if the issue in question relates to a portion of Julota that is not under the purview of the authorized user’s permissions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Authorized User that reported the event is not under the purview of the Authorized User’s permissions, the Support Desk will take the report of the issue, but will not contact the reporting user with resolution, but instead, will contact the Customer Representative to report resolution.
High. A high Incident is when the following occur cumulatively: (1) major business processes are severely impaired, (2) business operations can continue in a restricted fashion, although long-term productivity might be adversely affected and (3) a temporary Workaround is available.
High. The reading levels indicate how well the students read and provide the teachers with valuable knowledge of which students need extra support and which students require more/extra stimulation. The service does not include making a diagnosis, providing treatment recommendations, or other assessments which are considered to be wellness care and healthcare. The Customer acknowledges that the accuracy of the Services will depend on the accuracy of the responses made by the students.
High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "High" if normal business processes are seriously affected. Necessary tasks cannot be performed. This is caused by incorrect or inoperable functions in the Computing Environment that are required immediately. The Incident is to be processed as quickly as possible because a continuing malfunction can seriously disrupt the entire productive business flow.
High. An error occurs in the software or hosting environment that causes substantial downtime of the Services, or which causes substantial data corruption, or which otherwise renders the Software unusable. Errors given this priority have no viable workaround.
High. Extensive depth of knowledge of a specific Supplier Product; familiar with the design details of a specific Supplier Product.
High. Non-critical services down, user data loss, security response, normal offboarding.
High. The use of sick leave of 96 hours or more per year, (based upon a full-time equivalent)
High. In case an essential functionality of the EMS solution becomes unavailable in the Live environment which is not actually hampering the basic operations of the examination resulting in a denial of service to the beneficiaries but may impact the other services will be termed as critical.
High.  Business-critical production outage  Prevents multiple people from doing their work  Impacts user identified by the Department as a VIP  Impacts an entire site, facility or application  No acceptable work-around  Affects non business-critical process  Prevents multiple people from doing their work  Ability to conduct work is extremely impacted  No acceptable work-around OR  Affects business-critical process  Prevents one person from doing work  Ability to conduct work is extremely impacted  No acceptable work-around