High risk behavior definition

High risk behavior means an observed or reported and documented history of one or more of the following:
High risk behavior means behavior by a person including, but not limited to: (i) Unprotected sex with a person who is living with HIV; (ii) unprotected sex in exchange for money or drugs; (iii) unprotected sex with multiple partners; (iv) anonymous unprotected sex; (v) or needle sharing; (vi) diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease; or (vii) unprotected sex or sharing injecting equipment in a high HIV prevalence setting or with a person who is living with HIV.
High risk behavior means behaviors that place clients, staff or visitors’ physical and mental health and safety at risk.

Examples of High risk behavior in a sentence

  • High- risk behavior among male street youth in Holly- wood CA, AIDS Education and Prevention (supplement) (Fall):24-33.

  • The six (6) NYTD outcome areas include: • Youth financial self-sufficiency; • Youth education (academic or vocational) attainment; • Youth positive connection with adults;• Experience with homelessness among youth; • High risk behavior among youth; and, • Youth access to health insurance.

  • The six (6) outcome areas include: • Youth financial self-sufficiency; • Youth education (academic or vocational) attainment; • Youth positive connection with adults; • Experience with homelessness among youth; • High risk behavior among youth; and, • Youth access to health insurance.

  • Discrimination: The law provides for the equality of men and women.

  • High risk behavior in children drops dramatically when children have a father in their life.

More Definitions of High risk behavior

High risk behavior means any behavior, including an expressed intent, that exposes,
High risk behavior means behavior which creates the possibility of
High risk behavior means a lifestyle activity that places a person at risk of suffering a particular harmful condition.
High risk behavior means an action or [a lifestyle] activity that places a person at risk of violating a condition of supervision or committing a crime [suffering a particular harmful con- dition].
High risk behavior means an observed or reported and documented history of one (1) or more of the following: (1) Suicide attempts or suicidal behavior or ideation; (2) Self-mutilation or similar self-destructive behavior; (3) Fire-setting or a developmentally inappropriate fascination with fire; (4) Animal torture; (5) Property destruction; and/or (6) Substance or alcohol abuse.
High risk behavior means any behavior, including an expressed intent, that exposes, or has the potential to expose, the person exhibiting the behavior, or those being exposed to the behavior, to harm. Examples of high risk behaviors
High risk behavior means participation in activities including, but not limited to, use of illegal substances, gang activity, unprotected sexual activity, runaway behavior, and any other type of negative social and/or self-destructive behavior.