Examples of Hoop stress in a sentence
Hoop stress is a critical factor in determining a pipe’s pressure holding capabilities.
Hoop stress andstrain relationship for the Thin Cylinder Course Outcomes:At the end of the course, students will be able to1.
Hoop stress contour at 29,063 rpm..........................................................................
N/Nf = 0.0 N/Nf = 0.3 N/Nf = 0.5 N/Nf = 0.7 N/Nf = 0.9 1.0 0.8 Cumulative probability 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 –20 –10 0 10 20 Hoop stress, psi Figure 1.—CDF of hoop stress at a critical location for different load cycles.
Predicted residual stress plotted through the wall thickness (from the inside surface) in the repair weld HAZ beneath the first weld cap pass at various angles from mid-length for the base-line long repair model: a) Hoop stress, and b) Axial stress.
Stress, Strain, Bending, Compression, Shear, Torsion, Tension, Hoop stress, Fatigue.
Hoop stress and weight versus tip speed .................................................................
Hoop stress calculation shall be carried out as per ASME B 31.8 1995 Clause.
Hoop stress (a) and axial stress (b) for the short repair plotted along radial lines through the wall thickness in the repair weld HAZ, beneath the weld first capping pass.
Comparison of long repair measured v predicted results at weld end: a) Hoop stress, b) Axial stress, and c) Radial stress.