Identical definition
Identical means in this context:
Identical as used in this article refers to identical current position description.
Identical means, in relation to the replacement of equipment or control apparatus, that the equipment or control apparatus is of the same type and size as the equipment or control apparatus being replaced, and is used in the same process, with the same materials.
Examples of Identical in a sentence
Identical coverage shall be required to be provided by all subcontractors, if any.
Identical or sufficiently similar Disputes presented by more than one Member may, at the option of the Manager, be consolidated into a single Procedure.
Identical coverage shall be required to be provided by all subconsultants and subcontractors, if any.
Identical Tie Proposals (Attachment G): Complete the form included in this package.
Per ASC 820 there is a fair value hierarchy of inputs that is defined by three levels:Level 1- Quoted price for identical item in an active and observable market.Level 2 - Identical item transaction price in a non-active market, or similar item in an active market.
More Definitions of Identical
Identical means systems, components, separate technical units and parts having identical geometric and mechanical characteristics and the materials used for the components of the vehicles;
Identical means parts having identical geometric and mechanical characteristics and the materials used for the components of the vehicles;
Identical means that the tire pressure is the same after a pressure measurement with a gauge that measures to one-tenth (0.1) kPa accuracy and rounded to the nearest whole kPa, for at least the final two pressure measurements.
Identical means ** of the ** material made at the ** scale, to confirm that it is the same as the ** in the ** based on (i) ** and ** (assay vs standard, ** by area **), (ii) moisture by **, (iii) **, (iv) **, (v) ** and ** — no significant unknown **, consistent with proposed structure, (vi) solid form comparison via ** (if drug would require a **), and (viii) any potentially ** (as assessed in silico) species (based on observed and **) must not be greater than the **.
Identical means having the same nucleobase sequence.
Identical means all particles are the same type. In the general case, the force F→ may additionally depend on the particle types.
Identical as used in this article refers to identical current position description. The Employer agrees that, considering employees for promotion to a higher level, the following factors shall be applied the ability, knowledge, and efficiency of the employee, and relative seniority When factor is to all intents and purposes equal between two or more employees, relative seniority shall be the determining factor. In the month of January of each year, the Employer shall submit to the Institute a list showing each employee's name, address, professional category, date of employment and seniority date. The Employer shall also submit to the Institute a separate list for part-time employees showing each employee's name, address, professional category, and date of employment.