Illegal Drug Use definition

Illegal Drug Use means the use of any “controlled substance” or “dangerous drug” which has not been legally prescribed and/or dispensed, or the use of a prescription drug which is not in accordance with the manner in which it was prescribed.
Illegal Drug Use means the use of an illegally obtained controlled substance or dangerous drug; the term “illegal drug use” also means the use of a legally obtained controlled substance or dangerous drug which is not taken in accordance with the directions of the licensed physician who prescribed the controlled substance or dangerous drug. 14. No Yes Has your ability to practice medicine in a competent and safe manner ever been impaired or limited by any condition, behavior, impairment, or limitation of a physical, mental, or emotional nature? 15. No Yes Are you currently experiencing any medical condition or disorder that impairs your judgment or that otherwise affects your ability to practice medicine in a safe and competent manner? 16. No Yes Since completing your medical training, have you ever been physically or mentally unable to practice medicine for a period of sixty (60) days or more? 17. No Yes Are you currently the subject of any civil investigation or court process relating to your ability to practice in a safe and competent manner? 18. No Yes Have you ever been diagnosed with, been treated for, or do you currently have pedophilia, exhibitionism, or voyeurism, or any other sexual behavior disorder? (Please note that “sexual behavior disorder” does not include sexual preference.) 19. No Yes Are you currently engaged in the illegal use of any drug, whether by ingestion, inhalation, injection, or any other method? 20. No Yes Have you used or are you currently using any chemical substance(s), legal or illegal, that in any way impaired or limited, or is currently impairing or limiting, your ability to practice medicine in a safe and competent manner?Part V Personal History continued 21. No Yes Have you ever been voluntarily or involuntarily committed or confined to any facility for mental health care? 22. No Yes Have you ever been diagnosed with, treated for, or do you currently have (check the appropriate condition): Bipolar Disorder Hypomania Schizophrenia DepressionDepressive NeurosisAny Dissociative Disorder Any Psychotic DisorderAny Organic Mental DisorderKleptomania Pyromania Delirium ParanoiaSeasonal Affective DisorderAny condition requiring chronic medical or behavioral treatment
Illegal Drug Use. Residents must not violate, or knowingly allow another to violate, federal, state, or local laws regarding the use of controlled substances in or around the premises. When aware of a violation of this provision, University will file a formal police report. University may recover possession of the premises by summary proceedings when resident holds over the premises for 24 hours after service of a written demand for possession for termination of this Contract under this provision.

Examples of Illegal Drug Use in a sentence

  • Related Information:GT Special Events & ProtocolGT Student/Student Organization Alcohol PolicyGT Policy on Employee Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use USG-BOR Alcohol and Drugs On-CampusUSG-BOR Purchase of Food Using Institutional Funds USG-BOR Prohibited Uses of Purchasing Cards Policy History:Revision DateAuthorDescription11/2002Office of the PresidentNew Policy06/2013Legal Affairs and Risk ManagementUpdate to policy and revised approvalprocedures.

  • Pattern of Illegal Drug Use in Women Referred to Substance Abuse Control Clinic in Fasa, Iran (2009-2011).

  • Definitions of Prohibited Conduct‌ Illegal Drug Use includes possessing, using, purchasing, distributing, or selling illegal drugs, or reporting to work impaired by illegal drugs.

  • By signing, you, the applicant, acknowledge that you understand the SPD Applicant Illegal Drug Use Guidelines.

  • Seattle Police Department Hiring Process AcknowledgementApplicant Illegal Drug Use Guidelines - ContinuedPlease note that use of illegal drugs and the illegal use of prescription drugs, referred to in this acknowledgment, means the use of one or more drugs, the possession or distribution of which is unlawful under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act.

More Definitions of Illegal Drug Use

Illegal Drug Use means the use of an illegally obtained controlled substance or dangerous drug; the term "illegal drug use" also means the use of a legally obtained controlled substance or dangerous drug which is not taken in accordance with the
Illegal Drug Use. Illicit drug use (including, but not limited to, cocaine, LSD, and heroin, but excluding marijuana) prior to the Eligible Event. · 25% (within 5 years) · 95% (within 1 year) Trigger · As referenced only in Event Records, vigorous exercise within two hours of the onset of Eligible Event symptoms by those who do not routinely exercise (including, without limitation, climbing hills, skiing, surfing, distance biking, etc.); or total joint arthroplasty or other major surgery within 5 days of the Eligible Event; or gambling. · 25% · 50%, but only if surgery trigger Accelerators · MI or CABG plus Smoking (Regular or Extreme) or BMI ³ 40; · 90% · BMI ³ 50 plus Smoking (Regular or Extreme); or · CAD plus Extreme Smoking
Illegal Drug Use. Tenants must not violate, or knowingly allow another to violate, federal, state, or local laws regarding the use of controlled substances or the use of alcohol by minors in or around the premises. When aware of a violation of this provision, Landlord will file a formal police report. Landlord may recover possession of the premises by summary proceedings when Tenants holds over the premises for 24 hours after service of a written demand for possession for termination of this Lease under this provision.
Illegal Drug Use means the use of any mood altering drug or other controlled substance that has not been legally prescribed and/or dispensed, or the abusive use of legally prescribed drugs or alcohol.
Illegal Drug Use means the use of drugs that are unlawful to possess or distribute under Oregon law or a legal drug that has not been legally obtained or is being used in a manner for which it was not prescribed or intended. This term does not include the proper use of a drug taken under the supervision of a licensed health care professional and in accordance with the prescribed directions for consumption, or other uses authorized by law.
Illegal Drug Use means the use of drugs in violation of the
Illegal Drug Use means using or