Examples of Immediate danger in a sentence
Immediate danger to a foster child requires immediate action on the part of the COR Worker and Licensure Specialist.
In the case of unforeseeable emergencies which represent or without action would result in: ▪ Immediate danger to life or health ▪ Serious damage to property▪ Any other circumstance where the consequences of which would be equal to or greater than those above.
Immediate danger of collapse is defined as a tree that may already be leaning, with the surrounding soil heaving, and/or there is a significant likelihood that the tree will topple or otherwise fail and cause damage before a tree removal permit could be obtained through the non-emergency process.
Reporting Emergencies: (Immediate danger; weapons involvement; physical injury related to violent behaviour; and obvious signs of abusive threatening behaviour)- For threats of violence, assaults or other violent incidents contact your supervisor immediately, if possible, OR CALL 911 immediately.
Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect or Licensing Violations.Any person may voluntarily report abuse or neglect.• If the alleged maltreatment was committed by a parent, guardian, family childcare provider, family foster care provider and the child is in:• Immediate danger - If you know or suspect that a child is in immediate danger (such as recent sexual assault or serious physical assault) or the child is abandoned; contact your local law enforcement agency 911 right away.