Examples of Implementation Group in a sentence
A paper sift will be undertaken and those candidates who are deemed to have met the experience and competence required will be invited to meet with the Stormont House Implementation Group.
The remuneration arrangements proposed for candidates reflect the considerable investment of time and commitment expected from applicants as envisaged by the Stormont House Implementation Group.
The Implementation Group was tripartite, with membership drawn from all of the teacher organisations, employers (through COSLA) and from the Scottish Executive.
The Implementation Group agreed that the deployment of additional support staff across a wide range of tasks and functions such as administration, finance and secretarial services etc, was important both in addressing teacher workload and in bringing in to education professional skills which are appropriate to the range of activities required.
The membership of the Implementation Group is attached at Annex A.
As a consequence of the agreements reached by the Implementation Group, the Scheme of Salaries and Conditions of Service will be revised to reflect the agreed changes.
On this basis, the Implementation Group began its work towards the conclusions outlined in the agreement which follows.
In presenting this agreement on conditions of service, the Implementation Group has sought to do three things: reconcile existing conditions of service to the demands placed on the service and develop XxXxxxx'x recommendations to this end; manage change and provide certain safeguards for teachers; and put in place a new framework which promotes professionalism and which places teachers at the heart of teaching and children at the heart of learning.
In September, following a series of meetings with teacher organisations and with COSLA, Ministers established an Implementation Group with the following remit.
The Implementation Group wishes to stress the importance of the agreements reached on new arrangements for conditions of service as being a foundation for progress, as representing the emerging consensus on the delivery of priorities and the necessary steps to develop the education service.