Examples of Incumbent worker in a sentence
Incumbent worker training is also provided if sufficient WIOA Title I Adult funds are available.
Activities Offered Check all that apply ☐Supervised Job Search ☐Job Readiness Training ☐Basic Skill Instruction ☐Career-Technical Education/Vocational Ed ☐English Language Acquisition ☐Integrated Education & Training ☐Work Readiness Training ☐ Internships ☐ Pre-apprenticeships ☐ Apprenticeships ☐ Customized training ☐ Transitional jobs ☐ Incumbent worker training ☐ On-the job training ☐ Subsidized employment ☐WEP ☐Job Retention Credentials Offered Click or tap here to enter text.
Incumbent worker training is designed to increase the competitiveness of the employee and employer.
Incumbent worker wages paid by the employer during IWT cannot be included in the cost of training.Examples: ABC company has two locations in your workforce development area.
Incumbent worker training contracts may be developed with employers for eligible workers on a reimbursement basis, consistent with OCDB policy.