Examples of Indian gaming facility in a sentence
This section would not apply to gross proceeds of sales or gross income from a business engaged in the construction of an Indian gaming facility or in the business of mining or quarrying of mineral products within the State of Arizona.
The Tribe argues that Interior’s determination that the Ondola Allotment is not Indian lands under Indian Gaming Regulatory Act and thus ineligible for an Indian gaming facility is incorrect for two reasons: First, Interior applied the wrong legal standard for determining whether the Ondola Allotment is Indian lands; and second, Interior’s application of the Sansonetti Opinion was arbitrary and capricious.
A.R. 784, 977–99 (Eklutna Indian Lands Submission & Ex. 12).On June 18, 2018, John Tahsuda, the Acting Assistant Secretary of Interior, issued a determination that the Ondola Allotment is not Indian lands under Indian Gaming Regulatory Act and thus is ineligible for an Indian gaming facility.
The Chairman of the Commission may revoke a debtor’s ability to oper- ate, manage, or otherwise participate in the operation of an Indian gaming facility if the debtor inexcusably or willfully fails to pay a debt.
Once collected, this information is available to any Tribal, State or Federal Gaming Enforcement Agency that had designated this entity as their agent, for the sole purpose of verifying eligibility for licensure with their respective Indian gaming facility.
Rehner, 463 U.S. 713 (1983), the Secretary of the Interior shall certify and publish in the Federal Register notice of adopted liquor ordinances for the purpose of regulating liquor transactions in Indian country.The United Auburn Indian Community enacted Tribal Council Ordinance No. 09–16–02–01, on September 16, 2002, for the purpose of governing the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages only at its Indian gaming facility on tribal trust lands in Placer County, California.
KALT, ET AL., supra note 97 (discussing impact of proposed Indian gaming facility in Southeastern Massachusetts).
Tribes with no interest in sports gambling in their facilities will have a negotiation advantage if there is any sort of “poison pill” provisions in their current tribal-state gaming compact, whereas those tribes wishing to include sports gambling as an enhancement to their Indian gaming facility offerings should have little to no trouble in the states where there is no “poison pill” provision in their gaming compacts and the state legalizes sports gambling.
Southwest currently manages a Class II Indian gaming facility just outside Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, and has consulting agreements with several other Native American tribes.
Thus, and for the additional reasons explained below, the Tribe also requests the acquisition of the Taunton Parcels for the purpose of developing and operating an Indian gaming facility there pursuant to IGRA.