INSPECTION OF SERVICES. The CITY will only tender services and goods in conformance with the IGSA. The Fort Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Commander shall appoint a CR who will be responsible for inspecting all services performed. The CITY will be notified of the identity of the CR and his alternate, and of any changes. If services are performed outside the installation, the CR shall be granted access to areas where services are performed. The CR shall have the right to inspect and test all services; inspections and tests to be conducted in a manner that will not unduly delay the performance of work. If the CR determines that services do not conform to the requirements in this Agreement, the CR can require the CITY to perform the services again, in whole or in part, at no additional cost to the government. Alternately, the CR can reduce the price to be paid for services to reflect the reduced value of the services to be performed. If the services cannot be corrected by re-performance, the CR can reduce the billed price to reflect the reduced value of the services to be performed. The CR may alternately, in his sole discretion, waive price reductions or re-performance of services. Such waivers shall not constitute a waiver of requirements in the IGSA unless approved in writing by the Agreements Officer. If the CITY is unable to perform any of the services due to an occurrence beyond the reasonable control of the parties, such as Acts of God, unusually severe weather, or government activities on the installation which impede the CITY's performance, the CITY'S shall promptly notify the CR. In those rare instances in which the CITY fails to re-perform services or abandons performance, the United States may perform or contract for performance of the services and charge those costs to the CITY. Except in an emergency, the United States will not exercise this authority without providing prior notice to the POC designated by the CITY to allow for amicable resolution of issues between the parties. If services are deemed to be deficient and cannot be corrected to the satisfaction of the CR, the Agreements Officer may terminate the IGSA immediately. Such termination shall not become effective without prior notice and consultation with the CITY POC identified in this agreement.
INSPECTION OF SERVICES. The CITY will only tender services and goods in conformance with the IGSA. The Fort Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Commander shall appoint a CR who will be responsible for inspecting all services performed. The CITY will be notified of the identity of the CR and his alternate, and of any changes. If services are performed outside the installation, the CR shall be granted access to areas where services are performed. The CR shall have the right to inspect and test all services; inspections and tests to be conducted in a manner that will not unduly delay the performance of work. If the CR determines that services do not conform to the requirements in this Agreement, the CR can require the CITY to perform the services again, in whole or in part, at no additional cost to the government. Alternately, the CR can reduce the price to be paid for services to reflect the reduced value of the services to be performed. If the services cannot be corrected by re-performance, the CR can reduce the billed price to reflect the reduced value of the services to be performed. The CR may alternately, in his sole discretion, waive price reductions or re-performance of services. Such waivers shall not constitute a waiver of requirements in the IGSA unless approved in writing by the Agreements
INSPECTION OF SERVICES. The City of Fountain will only tender services and goods in conformance with the IGSA. The IGSA-TR will be responsible for inspecting all services performed by the City of Fountain. The IGSA-TR shall be granted access to all areas where services are performed, even if outside Fort Xxxxxx. The IGSA-TR shall have the right to inspect and test all services. Any inspections or tests conducted by the IGSA-TR will be conducted in a manner that will not unduly delay the performance of work. The City of Fountain will follow all inspection and regulatory guidelines contained in the Task Order Requirements and any specified references. If the IGSA-TR determines that services do not conform to the requirements in Agreement, the IGSA-TR can require the City of Fountain to perform the services again, in whole or in part, at no additional cost to the government. Alternately, the IGSA-TR can recommend to the IGSA-M to reduce the price to be paid for services to reflect the reduced value of the performed services. If the services cannot be corrected by re- performance, the IGSA-M can reduce the billed price to reflect the reduced value of the performed services. The IGSA-M may alternately, in their sole discretion, waive price reductions or re-performance of services. Such waivers shall not constitute a waiver of requirements in the IGSA unless approved in writing by the IGSA-M. If the City of Fountain is unable to perform any of the services due to an occurrence beyond the reasonable control of the parties, such as Acts of God, unusually severe weather, or government activities on the installation which impede the City of Fountain’s performance, the City of Fountain shall promptly notify the IGSA-TR. In those rare instances in which the City of Fountain fails to re-perform services or abandons performance, the United States Army may perform or contract for performance of the services and charge those costs to the City of Fountain. Except in an emergency, the United States Army will not exercise this authority without providing prior notice to the City of Fountain to allow for amicable resolution of issues between the parties. If services are deemed to be deficient and cannot be corrected to the satisfaction of the IGSA-TR, the IGSA-M may recommend to the Xxxxxxxx Commander to immediately terminate the IGSA. Such termination shall not become effective without prior notice and consultation with the City of Fountain.

Examples of INSPECTION OF SERVICES in a sentence

  • INSPECTION OF SERVICES The Inspection of Services–Fixed Price (AUG 1996) clause at FAR 52.246-4 applies to firm-fixed price orders placed under this contract.

  • INSPECTION OF SERVICES The Inspection of Services–Fixed Price (AUG 1996) (Deviation – May 2003) clause at FAR 52.246-4 applies to firm-fixed price orders placed under this contract.

  • FAR 52.246-4 INSPECTION OF SERVICES – FIXED PRICE (AUG 1996) shall apply to Related Services.


  • INSPECTION OF SERVICES The Inspection of Services–Fixed Price (AUG 1996) (Deviation 1 – May 2003) clause at FAR 52.246-4 applies to firm-fixed price orders placed under this contract.

  • The Contractor shall establish and maintain an inspection and surveillance system in accordance with the FAR Clause 52.246-4, INSPECTION OF SERVICES – FIXED PRICE, to ensure that the work performed conforms to the contract requirements.

  • SECTION E INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCEThe following Clauses are incorporated by Reference: 52.246-5 INSPECTION OF SERVICES – COST-REIMBURSEMENT (APR 1984) The following Clauses are incorporated by Full Text: HQ E-1-0001 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE LANGUAGE FOR DATA Inspection and acceptance of all data shall be as specified on the attached Contract Data Requirements List(s), DD Form 1423.

  • E-2 SECTION E - INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE E.01 FAR 52.246-4 INSPECTION OF SERVICES – FIXED PRICE (AUG 1996) E.02 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTACE Inspection of all items under Task Orders performed under this BOA shall be accomplished by the Designated Contracting Officer (DCO) or the Designated Contracting Officer’s Representative (DCOR) or their duly authorized representatives.

  • E.01 FAR 52.246-4 INSPECTION OF SERVICES – FIXED PRICE (AUG 1996) E-2E.02 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTACE .........................................................................................

  • The following Federal Acquisition Regulation clause(s) is/are incorporated by reference: CLAUSE TITLE AND DATE52.246-4 INSPECTION OF SERVICES - FIXED PRICE (AUG 1996) E.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND SURVEILLANCE PLAN (QASP) This plan is designed to provide an effective surveillance method to promote effective Contractor performance.


  • Supply of services means any transaction which does not constitute a supply of goods.

  • Out of service means that process established under the motor carrier safety act of 1963, 1963 PA 181, MCL 480.11 to 480.25.

  • Child in need of services means (i) a child whose behavior, conduct or condition presents or results

  • Training provider means an organization meeting the eligibility conditions as mentioned in Data Sheet and selected in accordance with the criteria set forth for the purpose.

  • The Services means those services ancillary to the supply of the Goods, such as transportation and insurance, and any other incidental services, such as installation, commissioning, provision of technical assistance, training, and other such obligations of the Supplier covered under the Contract.

  • Continuous monitoring system means the total equipment, required under the emission monitoring section in applicable subsections used to sample and condition (if applicable), to analyze, and to provide a permanent record of emissions or process parameters.

  • The Service Provider means the organization or firm providing the services under this Contract.

  • Extraordinary unspecifiable services means services which are specialized and qualitative in nature requiring expertise, extensive training and proven reputation in the field of endeavor.