Institutional Official definition

Institutional Official means the individual who is legally authorized to act for the institution, and on behalf of the institution.
Institutional Official means the legal representative of Institution who is authorized to enter into legally binding agreements on behalf of Institution.
Institutional Official. (IO) means the individual responsible for implementation of this Regulation and associated SOPs and is the institution’s Chief Research Officer. The IO delegates this authority to the COIO, but remains ultimately responsible.

Examples of Institutional Official in a sentence

  • The Recipient agrees that if the Recipient changes institutions, then a new Statement of Research Intent and MTA signed by the Institutional Official at the new institution will be provided by the Recipient to Xxxxxxx.

More Definitions of Institutional Official

Institutional Official means one or more persons designated by the College as having responsibilities and authority under this Policy.
Institutional Official means the individual within Forsyth that is responsible for the solicitation and review of disclosures of Investigator’s Significant Financial Interests, including those of the Investigator’s Family, related to the Investigator’s InstitutionalResponsibilities. For the purposes of this Policy, the Institutional Official is designated as Paul McDonough, the Vice President of Operations.
Institutional Official means the individual within the Company that is responsible for the review of disclosures of PLGHA. For the purposes of this Policy, the Company Official is designated as the Group Chief Executive Officer, or his or her duly authorised designee.
Institutional Official means the individual within the university who is responsible for the solicitation and review of disclosures of significant financial interests including those of the investigator’s family related to the investigator’s institutional responsibilities. For the purposes of this policy, the Institutional Official is the University Risk Manager.
Institutional Official means the person appointed by the Provost (or his or her designee) to serve in such position.
Institutional Official is the legal representative of the Institution receiving the NEI-AREDS2 Repository Samples (“Institution”) who is authorized to make legally binding agreements for the Institution (see Appendix 1). The Principal Investigator (“Recipient”) is the person receiving the NEI Repository Sample(s) and is responsible for the conduct of the Statement of Research Intent, defined below. The Recipient’s research team that is under the direct supervision of the Recipient may have access to the NEI Repository Sample(s) only after they have been informed of and agreed to the provisions of this MTA. The Recipient must acknowledge on the signature page of this MTA that the Recipient has read and understands the terms and conditions of this MTA. The Institutional Official must also sign this MTA on behalf of the Institution agreeing to adhere to the terms and conditions of this MTA. To ensure compliance with the Office for Human Research Protections (“OHRP”), Department of Health and Human Services (“DHHS”), regulations for the protection of human subjects (45 CFR Part 46), before NEI-AREDS2 Repository Samples can be shipped from the Repository, the Recipient must provide the Repository with a written description of the purpose of the research project to be done using the applicable NEI-AREDS2 Repository Samples (“Statement of Research Intent”) and this MTA. Both the Recipient and the Institutional Official must sign this MTA agreeing to adhere to the conditions set forth in this MTA. The Recipient remains subject to all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations and Institution policies. The signed Statement of Research Intent and MTA must be returned to Xxxxxxx prior to Xxxxxxx shipping the applicable NEI-AREDS2 Repository Samples.
Institutional Official. The Institutional Official is the Signatory Official on each Institution’s FWA filed with OHRP to assure compliance with regulations governing protection of human subjects. OHRP requires the Institution Official to be a high-level official who has the authority to represent the Institution named in the FWA.  Reportable Events – Any event, including adverse event, unanticipated problems, protocol violations, noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations, incidents, concerns, injuries to subjects related to a protocol intervention, and/or complaints that are required to be reported to the Reviewing IRB in accordance with its policies and guidelines.